Definition of Weather
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, on Feb. 2014
The concept of atmospheric weather it is used to designate the variety of phenomena that occur in the atmosphere.
It should be noted that when talking about time, reference will be made to the activity of the phenomena during a period that can range from one to several days. Meanwhile, when it comes to a longer period of time, such as being thirty years or more, it will be spoken in terms of weather. Climatology deals with studying the phenomena in the longest times and the meteorology It is the one that addresses them when it comes to the short term.
It will be the differences in terms of solar energy those that motivate changes over time. In each season of the year the various local weather variables will be measured, such as: temperature, atmospheric pressure, cloudiness, humidity, wind, the amount of rainfall and then once each of these is known, others can be obtained that result from them such as: vapor pressure and sensation thermal.
There are many instruments that are used in this sense: meteorological stations, satellites, stations on ships, computers that perform calculations using predictive models, among others.
Then, to these conditions the laws of physics will be applied and the time will be predicted with a projection of 12, 24, 48, 72 or 96 hours.
Almost all Energy caused by atmospheric changes comes from the sun's radiation, although the sun's rays do not directly heat the air in the atmosphere but rather indirectly, by heating first the lithosphere and the hydrosphere and once both have been heated they transfer their heat to the atmosphere.
It is also important to mention that in addition to radiation from the sun there are other sources of thermal energy that can heat the atmosphere: volcanic eruptions, transpiration of flora and fauna and hot spots at the bottom of the oceans. Now, all of them together do not exceed the energy of the sun.
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