Definition of Thunderstorm
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Apr. 2014
The electric storm It's one of the most common meteorological phenomena that occur on our planet, meanwhile, is characterized by the appearance of lightning and the sound of thunder; when precisely the electric discharge that the lightning brings with it heats the air and then combined with the cold air, what is known as a shock wave will be produced, which is what causes the roar of thunder.
Historically, the lightning-thunder society has generated very high fears among the people and that is why as soon as the weather conditions are appreciated that anticipate this type of phenomenon or the forecast announces its imminence is that people will seek refuge in closed and sheltered places, which temper the factors and consequences thereof.
For their part, kids Small are usually the most fearful of these storms due to the very loud noise of thunder and the electrical activity of lightning.
The intense ambient humidity, which makes the environment becomes absolutely unstable, it is a fundamental condition when unleashing these types of storms.
But in addition to lightning and thunder, there is a third element that anticipates the arrival of electrical storms or can make us suppose that it will come and is the cumulonimbus, clouds with enormous development in the vertical direction and that are made up of both an air mass warm and wet that rises to the sky like a rotating spiral.
Also other climatic phenomena such as wind, heavy rainfall, hail and snowand, usually take part of a thunderstorm.
As with other intense meteorological phenomena, the electrical storm can unleash tremendous consequences and damage to the physical and material integrity of the population which it affects.
Lightning, for example, can be lethal if it hits a person and very destructive indeed against a home. The fabulous electric shock they bring with them can immediately kill the person they land on. For any reason, given these meteorological conditions, it is recommended that people leave the open air and look for places to take shelter until it passes.
Other things to avoid include: talking on the phone, using electrical appliances that are plugged in, touching objects of metal, get into the Water, either in the sea or in a pool.