Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Oct. 2009
It is designated by the term of Tundra to that open and flat land, of weather subglacial and frozen subsoil, devoid of arboreal vegetation, mostly with the I usually covered with lichens and mosses and in many places swampy.
The tundra is spread mainly by the Northern Hemisphere, more precisely in Siberia, Alaska, northern Canada, southern Greenland and the coast arctic of Europe. Meanwhile, the existing tundra in the Southern Hemisphere has much more even temperatures throughout the year and in areas such as the extreme south of Chile. and Argentina, the subantarctic islands such as South Georgia and Kerguelen and in some small areas of North Antarctica that are close to sea level.
Regarding its extension throughout the earth, the tundra specifically occupies one fifth of the emerged surface of the earth and rising the latitudes (between 45 ° and 60 °) at both antipodal poles begin the aforementioned tundra zones and already lowering the latitudes mentioned coniferous forests with some dwarf betulaceae in the Northern Hemisphere and in the South with forests and cold humid forest anti boreal followed by conifers australes.
Likewise, there are biomes similar to those that the tundra presents due to the effect of height, as occurs in Tibet, or some of the tropical zones of Peru and Bolivia.
There are two types of tundra, the alpine and the arctic. The alpine can be found in predominantly mountainous areas and the second in more mountainous areas. low in which puddles are formed and it is precisely in this combination that the vegetation.
Regarding the type of climate that predominates in this type of terrain, we find winters severely cold and very short and cool summers, with light rains during the summer and some frost. During the winter the temperature it does not usually exceed 0 ° and the terrain appears covered by ice and snow, while in the summer, the temperature will vary from 0 ° to 10 ° and part of the land becomes swamps due to thawing and that the soils do not allow the infiltration Water.
The flora that predominates, we said, were the mosses, lichens and grasses and with respect to the fauna, there are white bears, reindeer, arctic fox, among others.
Themes in Tundra