Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Javier Navarro, on Sep. 2015
Tulip is the common name of a plant whose scientific name is Tulipa gesneriana, belonging to the family Liliaceae. This bulbous perennial is known for the flowers it produces, which feature an upright, eye-catching turban-like appearance, as well as a wide variety of colors.
The tulip blooms three months after planting the bulb and during the spring. About the flower withers after three weeks. It should be noted the wide variety that it presents: botanical tulips, parrot, botanical, flower of Lys or Darwin, as well as some smaller species that are used to decorate interiors.
It is a plant not suitable for tropical climates and it adapts well to Cold climates, humid and with a soil rich in organic matter and adequately drained. In this sense the weather of Holland is very suitable for the tulip and it is logical that it has become a national symbol and even an important sector of its economy.
As for its origin, it comes from Central Asia, where the sultans used them to beautify their gardens or in the adornment of clothing.
The tulip and the financial crisis of the 17th century
The Dutch were pioneers in international markets and in stock trading. In the seventeenth century there was a period of economic effervescence in relation to the market for tulips, specifically for tulip bulbs. Its price was increasing in an increasing way, which originated a financial bubble that ended up leading to an economic crisis that has gone down in history as the Tulip Crisis. It is considered to be the first speculative bubble in history and its explosion followed a poor harvest in 1637 that was preceded by an epidemic of bubonic plague the previous year.
Beyond decoration
First of all, the tulip has a decorative function in the home, both indoors and in the garden. On the other hand, at weddings it is highly valued to decorate the bride's bouquet. Do not forget that the culture The tulip in Holland is a tourist attraction (excursions, flights over the bulb area, flower festivals and a long list of events are carried out). The color of the tulips makes them a reason for attraction for photography lovers. In the world of painting, one could remember some famous works (Van Gogh's Tulip Field is the best known example). Finally, it should be noted that the tulip has a meaning in the language of flowers, as it symbolizes perfect love.
Photos: iStock - Avlana / Iskandarov
Themes in Tulip