Definition of equilateral triangle
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Nov. 2012
At the behest of theGeometry, a triangle It's that one polygon which is made up of three lines, which intersect two by two at three non-aligned points.
In a triangle, those points where the lines meet are known as vertices, meanwhile, sides of the same will be each line segment, and for its part, the union of two sides ends up forming the interior angles of the triangle in question.
From the above, then, we will obtain the salient physical characteristics of this flat figure, which are: three internal angles, three external, also three vertices and three sides.
Now, there are different types of triangles, while in relation to the length of their sides we find the equilateral triangle, which is the one that we will deal with below and which is characterized by presenting all three sides the same size, a question for which they also turn out to be equiangular, that is, its three internal angles will have the same measure, which in this case is 60 °.
The building
of this type of triangle it is plausible to make it from the use of a ruler and a compass, instruments these basic and widely used in this matter to draw lines, angles, between others.In the case of the equilateral triangle, the drawing process is quite simple, first, you must draw a circumferenceImmediately afterwards, the compass must open at an average of 120 °, then three points will be marked, each one respecting the same distance and finally the plotted points are joined.
It should be noted that this geometric figure has always been very present in the life of man, since it appears in many of the constructions made by him. The archaeological site baptized as Lepenski Vir, in Serbia, a settlement prehistoric that is about eight thousand years old. The aforementioned was a civilization certainly advanced that already at that time mastered subjects such as town planning, the architecture, mathematics, astronomy and geometry.
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