Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Dec. 2010
The curse is that expression that makes clear and in evidence the desire that a person has for something bad to happen to another, that is, it is about the desire that someone has that something goes wrong for someone, or that they suffer damage serious.
For example, someone does not succeed in a business they start, or suffers a car accident.
I want someone to express that someone else is doing something wrong or suffering serious damage
Although it is not always specified in a fact, the expression with evil desire, on many occasions, "coincidentally", accompanies the succession of an event dramatic or tragic and then, it will be there that he will charge force the concept and force of the curse expressed.
For example, an employee gets angry with his boss because he did not allow him to leave before work to go to the doctor, then, he curses her under his breath: “I hope he'll keep the car when he goes home for not having me allowed to go ”; and precisely the story ends with the car stopped in the middle of the road. The curse come true. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't, there are people who fervently believe in the power of a curse, and there are others who are absolutely indifferent to them.
The influence of belief or not in curses
Probably, the force of a curse, that is, that it finally occurs, is precisely in the value that someone gives to the question, that is, if I believe in it, surely if something bad happens to me, I will believe that it is the result of a curse, on the other hand, if I do not believe at all and something happens to me I will believe it has to do with chance and not with a curse cast by someone who does not love me.
Meanwhile, curses play a prominent role in the popular beliefs of various cultures and peoples and even more, they even extend to certain objects. for some compelling reason and then, those who possess or cross the path with them will not be able to escape the curse that is already predestined to happen to them.
Although of course, all of them will have the effect of a curse if, as we said before, it is firmly believed that they have the power to do evil ...
Famous curses and their millennial origin
One of the most popular cases is that of black cats crossing the road. Many believe that this fact will imply that something bad will happen to the person who crossed them.
For this reason it is that for a long time black cats enjoyed a very bad reputation and were even punished and even attacked for this fact.
Fortunately with the to run Over time this idea changed and today black cats are loving pets that many people adopt, and that on the contrary, they are considered carriers of good luck.
But of course, beyond that with time there was a evolution In the dismissal of the force of curses and objects that bring a curse, we cannot ignore that this topic was very relevant and weighty in antiquity.
A characteristic of the most primitive humanity was the belief absolute in the existence of supernatural forces that were capable of conditioning their life and happiness, and even they themselves could invoke them to cause curses to others.
One of the most famous curses in history is the one around the Egyptian pharaoh Tutankhamun. When investigator Howard Carter arrived at his grave in 1922, in addition to the treasures buried there next to him a written curse would have been found that would fall on those who dared to disturb the eternal rest of the monarch.
The curse took veracity in many when some people who visited her began to pass away.
Meanwhile, it began to lose strength when Carter just died in 1939.
Use in children's literature
In children's entertainment books, the curse turns out to be a frequent question and one that they especially flaunt the witches, throwing it to the princes, heroines or princesses of the aforementioned stories, for which the latter end suffering some serious setback, such as: losing his prince charming, his beauty, or the prince turned into a toad, among other.
Manifestation of anger
Moreover, in the use colloquial of the language, the word curse is used to express anger, disapproval or disappointment at some issue or at someone.” Damn, I missed the train, I'll be late.”
The other side of the curse is the blessing that implies the opposite, to enjoy protection and prosperity.
Themes in Curse