Definition of Economic Map
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in May. 2012
An important variant of the maps is the economic map, which is that type of map that exclusively deals with presenting the wealth and economic production of a given region.
Map representing wealth and what is produced in a region
That is, this map allows us to appreciate in a concrete, clear and detailed way what is produced in this or that territory, and also the wealth present in it as a result of the arrangement of different points of exploitation, for example.
What are the rich and exploited areas and where are they located to be able to outline public policies that promote some lagging area
Then, in the economic map we will be able to know precisely what the most notable industries in the area in question and, if they exist, where the gas and oil reserves, and the agricultural and livestock farms are specifically located.
From this the enormous importance of this instrument can be deduced, since from it it is plausible to discover and carry out analyzes regarding the economic production that a company has.
nation determined and as necessary, design and promote policies that allow the development of some areas that have been stagnant in terms of production and also promote others.When a government wants to discover its economic riches and target them to boost the growth and progress of a nation, it must appreciate and analyze this type of map of your country and thus know for sure where you should point the policies.
For example, if an area that is identified as very fertile to produce food or commodities, but at the moment has not been exploited but is very backward in this sense, it will be a good indicator to transfer investment efforts there which will then not only result in production but also in the increase of jobs, sale of machinery inputs, among others.
In other words, it is not only an area that grows but it is a chain that will be able to obtain benefits.
Activity agricultural that is conformed by the agricultural sector and the cattle ranch represents along with other economic and industrial activities the sustenance of the wealth of a nation.
Not only does the nation supply itself with them to feed itself, but it also exploits it to obtain economic gains that also come into the world. a portion in the state coffers to increase public accounts and be able to assist the most vulnerable people and provide basic services such as education, safety and health.
A nation that does not have or does not promote the development of its industry or its sector agricultural nor from any other area that can exploit will not advance and will remain in a great delay with respect to to those who do, and of course, they will always remain in a lopsided position with respect to others countries.
A Map It is the geographical representation of the planet earth in full, or of a portion of it, reflected on a surface that is normally flat, although it also admits its expression on spherical surfaces.
It should be noted that the map is an extremely helpful instrument when trying to locate ourselves geographically within that part of the city. land in which we find ourselves and also for so many other issues such as political, commercial, administrative, to mention some.
Meanwhile, the discipline that deals with the study and the realization of the maps is designated by the term of mapping, and cartographer We call that individual who is professionally engaged in making maps from different learned techniques.
Essential conditions at the time of elaboration of a map are the clarity and precision in the expression of the data, since if they are not mediated, serious errors may be incurred and the desired result will not be achieved, for example.
There are different types of specific maps that give us their specificity to be able to apply it to our needs, such as the approached economic map and also the physical one (they represent natural geographical features, such as mountains, plateaus, deserts, among others) and political (represents the political units created by the inhabitants, the boundaries between nations and the means of transport), between others.
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