Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in May. 2012
The word spoil is a term of frequent use and therefore it is very present in our vocabulary, although, with several references at the same time, that is, we use it in several situations and it always carries with it a connotation negative.
Because failure can refer in the first instance the to let or not exploit something that at first was presented as a chance affordable. With your repeated faults you have done nothing but spoil the confidence that he had deposited in you.
Another of the references to fail, also with an adverse load, is that of the expression of the spoiling or frustration of what was intended to be achieved, that is, the objective, the plan, the goal proposed by an individual to achieve in his life and that for x reason is not satisfactorily fulfilled.
And also when something does not achieve the result, the growth that is expected of it, it is spoken in terms of spoiling. Because you did not take care of the plant as I told you, its fruits were spoiled, you will have to be more careful next time.
It should be noted that whenever someone proposes a draft of any kind in his life, he will try to put into function all the efforts and issues necessary to achieve it. Indeed, but of course, if this does not happen, that is, the project fails, the result will be what we popularly know as failure. Failure implies frustration, as it is a sad event.
In the present times in which the competence is the order of the day in all areas of life, failure is considered a stigma in which of course no one wants to incur because the unsuccessful are singled out and very frowned upon within the society.
Parents, school and even the means of communication, with the responsibility In their role as opinion-makers, they must teach that failure in no way can discourage an important goal in life.
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