Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Javier Navarro, in Jul. 2016
From the point of view of classification What species vegetable, mint is considered a hybrid, that is to say, a cross between spearmint and water mint. Approximately, there are about 25 species within the mint group, such as the peppermint, thyme and oregano (all of which give off a strong scent after being ground).
This plant is native to the basin Mediterranean. It is an edible vegetable with particularities that make it a very popular condiment for gum, sweets, toothpaste and mouthwash, among many others Applications. As for its flavor, we could say that it is a mixture between the chlorophyll and pepper.
His properties
This herb can be used in the form of leaves, oils, herbal teas, pills or in the form of an extract.
Peppermint has a cooling and calming effect on both the body and the mind, which is due to its high menthol content (menthol can also be obtained synthetically). This herb contains a significant amount of minerals, such as manganese and copper, as well as vitamin C, as well as antioxidant, antibacterial, and antiviral properties.
Both fresh and dried mint leaves are available in the market throughout the year. However, consumers prefer the fresh form more than the dried one.
With respect to consumption, you can enjoy a mint infusion, add it to salads or as a complement to smoothies, juices, sauces or cocktails.
Medical uses
In addition to a complement that provides flavor, it also has a very diverse medicinal use. In this sense, it has traditionally been used in popular medicine and more recently in the field of aromatherapy. It has been shown to be beneficial in combating stress and mental fatigue. On the other hand, it stimulates muscle relaxation and activates the mind.
Mint is highly valued for oral health, as it prevents the growth of bacteria in the mouth and in this way prevents tooth decay and gum problems. At the same time, it is used to fight acne and has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. If skin problems occur as a result of a mosquito bite, peppermint can ease the pain.
In the form of an infusion, mint leaves are good to promote the digestion or to ease the effects of indigestion. It also reduces the sensation nausea or dizziness.
Photos: iStock - DebbiSmirnoff / Vishwanath Bhat
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