Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Javier Navarro, in Jul. 2017
In some communities women are recognized as social, economic and political leaders. This phenomenon is known as matriarchy, a minority society model today that only exists in some isolated communities. In this sense, we can mention the Inuit in some territories of North America, the Ibo in Nigeria, the Kung in the desert of the Kalahari or the Nagovisi on the island of Bouganville.
In prehistory
Some sizes of the neolithic, the so-called Venus, suggest that thousands of years ago there were communities in which women played a leading role. These carvings are interpreted by anthropologists in a double sense: the cult of female fertility and the role of leadership Women's.
The anthropological foundation of the matriarchy of prehistory is based on the matrilineal lineage, which implies that all family and social relationships had the mother as a reference. It is calculated that between paleolithic and in the Neolithic this social model was the majority. It must be taken into account that the human being in prehistory was unaware of the mechanisms of
pregnancy and, therefore, it was exclusively the woman who presented conclusive evidence of fertility.During the long period of matriarchy all the phenomena of nature are attributed to some divinity
In that context, the woman is the only one who gives life and in this sense her figure is venerated by the whole of society.
Consequently, the woman leads a community and it is she who decides where to live and in what way.
Matriarchy in the Basque Country
Although it is unquestionable that most social models are patriarchal, it is also true that in some communities women rule in an unofficial way. In the Basque Country, women have had and still have a authoritymoral special in the whole of society.
Traditional Basque society and culture were based on the hamlet rural, in which the woman was the fundamental pillar on which housework and daily life in general were organized. The man had a secondary role and was dedicated mainly to the care of livestock or herding. The lady of the house (la etxehoandre) was not the only one in charge, as other women had a role singular in everyday life, such as midwives, herbalists or women in charge of caring for the church.
All these figures Women in the rural Basque world enjoyed great social prestige and therefore some anthropologists (for example, Julio Caro Baroja) speak of the Basque matriarchy.
Photos: Fotolia - Mondela - Vbel71
Themes in Matriarchy