Definition of political militancy
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Oct. 2013
The concept that we will deal with below has a special use in the scope of politicssince through it thefiliation and an individual's commitment to a certain ideology or political group and that then motivates him to take part in any event in which it is promoted and defended. Also, that strong membership can lead to participation active of an electoral assembly or in the execution of any position.
Militancy normally has the intention of promoting a change at the political level in favor of a certain political position, which is the one that is promoted and defended.
Meanwhile, political militancy is carried out from within a political party, and can manifest itself in the most diverse ways: holding party meetings, publication of documents in which the point of view is expressed on topics of interest, making statements to the press defending the ideology with which they are committed, promoting certain actions that strengthen the ideological position of the political group to which one belongs, leading marches or acts in favor of some political figure of preeminence who belongs to the party to collaborate in their knowledge and political growth with a view to an election, among other
From the foregoing it follows that political militancy turns out to be a key part of the party armed at the request of a political group, And without fear of exaggeration, it depends on this in many cases that the party grows and manages to impose both its political cadres and its proposals.
Meanwhile, the individual who carries out a militancy, that is, who supports a draft or who is affiliated with a political party is called a militant.
It should be noted that the concept of political militancy is also used to designate the set of militants of a certain political space.
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