Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Cecilia Bembibre, in Mar. 2012
The concept of merit implies that action that may be worthy of a positive consequence, for example, a prize or decoration, or failing that, of something negative such as punishment.
Action that can lead to a valuation or punishment
Also, the word is applied to name that quality or value that is worthy of praise.
Normally when a person overcomes obstacles to reach an end or goal, and does so in an honest way, it is usually recognized or awarded for it, because it is considered a merit to have achieved an end in the midst of adversity, for example, a person with disability physics that wins a competence in which the skill in this sense.
Effort to overcome adversity and reach goals
Then, the merit will always be applied to those actions or acts that imply courage, sacrifice and dedication.
The disposition of a social talent to do something like playing the piano magnificently, making an effort in the study or in the practice of some sport, professional success, and
solidarity as a natural and ordinary inclination, they are some of the positively meritorious issues.Now, when a person manages to succeed in something, but does so through deception, betrayal, cheating, among other actions despicable, these achievements will never be counted as merits, even though they make the person who executed them transcend and achievement.
The concept of merit is an abstract concept that has to do with the values and capacities that a person can develop in pursuit of an activity or as a achievement specific.
Merit is what makes the effort, work, commitment, or different actions that justly merit that a person be treated in this or that way should be recognized.
In general, the term merit has a connotation positive when it is said for example that someone made great merits to receive an award.
However, it can also be used in a negative sense if a person is said to be worthy of a attitude unfair because it is considered that they deserve it or that they always acted unfairly with others.
Merit is then what makes someone deserve or deserve something, be it an award, recognition, etc., as well as a negative response to her actions or sayings.
In the world of institutions or the public, the concept of merit is very important since it serves to highlight the work, the effort, the aptitudes that a person may have developed over time to advance their career and improve, for example, her job title or professional.
Merit Awards
Thus, in many public and private institutions, medals and decorations of merit to those people whose trajectory demonstrates these values and who make them stand out from the the rest.
Merit understood in this sense is not something for everyone but is understood as something exclusive to those who stand out for something positive.
In Hollywood and in the world of arts and sciences it is common to give meritorious medals to great actors, scientists, intellectuals, musicians, and artists, for their contributions and contributions in the area that they develop.
Nations reward citizens of their homeland who excel in some aspect or area, with medals or orders of merit, for example, Germany delivers the Federal Cross, France, the popular Legion of Honor, and Great Britain the Order of the Empire British.
The term merit means recognition, so it will always assume that someone is recognized for something.
Although in most cases this recognition is usually positive, it may also be that a person is worthy of a negative action, for example a trial, the indignation of the people, etc.
There is a phrase in popular use: make merits, which people use a lot to refer to the situation that implies that someone must or is doing many worthy actions in order to gain access to a job or achieve recognition in their to do.
It is a concrete reality that if we want to achieve something in life, especially important things, we will have to invest efforts to achieve it, make merits as we popularly say.
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