Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Javier Navarro, on Sep. 2018
According to some unrecognized texts within the canon of Judaism and Christianity, Metatron is an archangel who stands alongside the Creator in Heaven. He is a character shrouded in mystery and about whom all kinds of theories have been maintained.
It has been said of him that he is like a celestial scribe or like a guardian who protects the entrance of Heaven and who guards the secrets about creation.
- For the followers of the Cabala, it is the angel who guided the people of Israel during their exile.
- In the tradition Gnostic is identified with the serpent that caused the sin of Eve.
- In the world of esotericism, the mission of this character is to keep secret Akashic records related to past lives.
-In the context of the New Age it is stated that he is the protector of the kids spiritual (Rainbow, Indigo and Crystal).
Despite the disparity of interpretations, it is a proposal with an evident symbolic load. In a simplified way we could say that Metatron is the symbol that serves as a bridge to understand the connection between God and men.
Metatron's cube is part of sacred geometry
In the geometry traditional the figures have an instrumental meaning, since they serve something: to draw, to do blueprints, build objects, delimit spaces, etc. However, some philosophical and esoteric currents affirm that geometry has a sacred dimension.
At the same time, the study of fractals shows that many of the patterns in nature have a geometric language. On the other hand, we must not forget that in some ancient traditions it was affirmed that God was inspired by geometric patterns to design everything that exists in the universe as a whole.
The geometric figure of the Flower of Life is considered a perfect shape, both in its proportions and in its harmony.
This structure of sacred geometry has different patterns and among them is Metatron's cube. This figure is also present in the Platonic solids. So, five o'clock geometric figures described by Plato are inside the cube of Metraton.
From the supposed sacred dimension of the Metraton Cube, some esoteric currents defend the healing capacity of objects with this geometric shape.
In the world of pseudosciences, the following types of messages are very common: we lead a life without harmony and because of this we need some force mysterious to find the Balance physical and spiritual. In this context, Metatron's cube is valued as an object with which it is possible to redirect negative energy forces and find inner well-being.
In the world of esotericism, an attempt is made to offer a scientific image and for this reason it is said that the Metatron's cube functions as a quantum accelerator that activates other laws of the universe dimensions.
Photo: Fotolia - jozefklopacka
Themes in Metatron