Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Cecilia Bembibre, in Nov. 2010
The concept of mysticism is a concept that is directly related to the notion of religion that each person can carry within him and that has to do with the connection that a person can establish with everything that is not earthly or worldly.
State in which a person is exclusively oriented to contemplate God or cultivate his spiritual side
In this state, the person is absolutely dedicated to the contemplation of the God in whom he believes or dedicated to culture spiritual.
For example, the concept is usually used as a synonym for another very popular in this sense, such as spirituality.
Mysticism is the phenomenon by which people get to know what they understand as their god in a direct and particular way. Many times mysticism occurs through very intimate and private connections of the person with the spiritual, for which the practices and rituals officially established by different churches may not be helpful in each and every cases.
Mysticism is the moment when the person combines the best of the earthly world with the ethereal world, what we cannot understand in a way
rational and that nobody can explain through science. As said, mysticism is something very particular to each person and each religion. This is so because mysticism is understood as a phenomenon that is related to the deepest feeling of each person, for which there are no rules or parameters that can fully guide such sensations.The most important churches and religions of today such as Christianity, Judaism or Islam have their forms of manifesting mysticism, each one establishes its particular forms of connection with the God who guides the faithful. Words such as miracles or stigmata are those that are used to name different types of phenomena that can take place in reality to demonstrate that point of maximum connection between God and individual. Sometimes, both miracles and stigmata are rationally inexplicable but understandable signs at the level of the feelings and of the emotion.
Prayer, spiritual retreats, which consist of retreating in a quiet and connected place to religion to engage in reflection and contemplation are some effective ways to connect with God.
State of religious perfection in which a faithful unites his soul to his god
The concept is also used to refer to the state of religious perfection to which someone comes to power. uniting your soul with God, an act that is practically impossible to explain through words, just feels like it.
Religious doctrine
And finally it also designates that doctrine religious and philosophical that deals with teaching how to generate and maintain a communication direct with god.
The concept has a certainly ancient origin, dating back to Ancient Greece.
There it meant hidden, mysterious, closed.
For example, one of the great references of the philosophy Greek, Plato, addressed this theme of mysticism and even greatly influenced the development of this theme.
According to him, there were “chosen ones” who were capable of raising themselves mentally and thus intuitively reaching the idea of the divine and also contacting it directly.
Meanwhile, those people who are totally dedicated and committed to spiritual and religious life are called mystics, whether or not they have a connection to a religion.
In the case of the believers in some religion, they will try to approach the union with the divine in the earthly life that they display, developing and leading experiences that allow them to connect with it, through ecstasy for example, such as the Theology calls that state in which the soul is united with God and in which the bodily functions will eventually remain and temporarily stopped.
For its part, Buddhist philosophy transits mysticism through various legendary and closely associated practices such as meditation, concentration and nirvana.
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