The verbs They are words that are used to express actions, states, attitudes, conditions, events of nature or existence. For example: rand go, resultar, rrun.
The infinitives of verbs with R (like all verbs) can have three endings: -ar (rprepare, renovar), -er (rto have, revolve), -to go (rto emit, rspread out).
rascar | rejuvenate | rstand |
ract | rrelate | resolver |
rcarry out | relajar | rspit |
rbeat | relamer | rexhale |
recellate | relatar | rstretch out |
rthrow out | rfill | rsponder |
rreceive | relucidate | rset up |
rcycle | remar | rto be |
rproclaim | rto emit | rstaure |
rexclude | remover | restablish |
recoger | rplace | rstring |
rrecognize | renacer | result |
rcollect | renovar | resume |
rrun | renunciate | rhold |
recrude | rprepare | rremove |
rrecover | rspread out | rtwist |
rrun | rpass | rdelay |
rwrite | repeler | rdistribute |
redimir | rsmash | rbackslide |
rperform | rrepeat | rjoin |
reflect | rexplain | rreveal |
rreflect | repose | revert |
rdefresh | rexport | rcheck |
rgive away | represent | revolve |
rhaggle | rblame | rstart |
regir | reproduce | robar |
registrate | rwant | rode |
rgraduate | rjump | rhear |
regular | resarcir | romper |
rrefuse | rswipe | roncar |
reinar | rreserve | rozar |
rand go | rchill | rugir |
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