The infinitive is the form of the verb that refers only to one action that is not modified by the verb tense or the person.
On EnglishIn almost all cases, infinitives are formed like this:
To + verb root
The only ones exceptions They are:
Next, we list 120 examples of verbs in English without conjugation, that is, in the infinitive, together with their respective translation.
To absorb | To learn |
To add | To leave |
To answer | To left |
To appear | To list |
To arrive | To listen |
To ask | To live |
To bark | To look |
To be | To loose |
To became | To make |
To belong | may |
To born | To mean (to mean) |
To build | To modify |
Can (power) | To move |
To clarify | Must |
To clean | To play (play, act, play an instrument) |
To close | To pull |
To contain | To put |
To cook | To reach |
To cost | To read |
To cover | To record |
To crack (break) | To refuse |
To create | To remain |
To cross | To remember |
To cry | To repair |
To dark | To return |
To die (to die) | To save |
To discover | To schedule |
To draw | To sell |
To drink | To set |
To drive | To shine |
To dry | To show |
To ear | To sing |
To eat | To sit |
To elect (choose) | To sleep |
To entertain | To smell |
To exchange | To Smile |
To experiment | To solve |
To explain | To sound |
To express | To speak |
To feel | To stay |
To finish | To stop |
To fix | To study |
To fly | To swim |
To follow | To take |
To formulate | To taste |
To found | To tell (say, speak) |
To freeze | To translate |
To fun | To travel |
To gift | To try |
To give | To turn on |
To go | To type |
To grow | To underline |
To have | To use |
To help | To wake |
To honor | To walk |
To include | To wash |
To insist | To wear |
To interrupt | To work |
To jump | To write |
To know | To zoom (move quickly) |
Andrea is a language teacher, and in her instagram account She offers private lessons by video call so you can learn to speak English.