The words ending in -ver they are rare in Spanish. For example: volwatch, I conmowatch, llowatch.
These words are, in the vast majority of cases, verbs on infinitive, that is, terms that express a verbal action without specifying a certain time. For example: mowatch, dissolwatch, resolwatch.
Likewise, the verbs that make up this group belong to the second conjugation, that is, those whose infinitive ends in -er. For example: promowatch, wrapwatch.
Finally, there are also some common nouns. For example: pulówatchrevolverwatch, eachwatch.
absolwatch | Come inwatch | pulówatch |
in view ofwatch | wrapwatch | rowingwatch |
darewatch | scatterwatch | resolwatch |
eachwatch | crywatch | rewatch |
shockedwatch | mowatch | revolverwatch |
unwrapwatch | precawatch | watch |
returnedwatch | prewatch | vetiwatch |
dissolvewatch | promowatch | volwatch |
crywatch | mowatch | volwatch |
absolwatch | returnedwatch | pulówatch |
darewatch | dissolvewatch | rowingwatch |
eachwatch | Come inwatch | resolwatch |
shockedwatch | promowatch | revolverwatch |
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