The words ending in -ti generally they are verbs. In Spanish there are very few words that end with these letters. For example: goyou, compeyou, senyou.
These verbs are those whose infinitive ends in -ter or -tir and they are conjugated in the first person singular (I) of the simple past perfect. For example: Iyou, pairyou.
Also, they end with these letters:
admyou | dimiyou | pairyou |
warnyou | I discussedyou | penalyou |
regretyou | designyou | allowyou |
asenyou | diveryou | persistyou |
goyou | meddleyou | presentyou |
bayou | spaghettiyou | promiseyou |
coexistsyou | existyou | remiyou |
eatyou | graphyou | repairyou |
buyyou | Haiyou | repeyou |
compeyou | oddyou | resistyou |
compromisedyou | insistyou | reviewyou |
with faithyou | inveryou | senyou |
converyou | kuwaiyou | subsisyou |
mustyou | mannayou | you |
derreyou | menyou | transmittedyou |
desisyou | Iyou | you seeyou |
shredyou | omiyou | yeyou |
menyou | pairyou | you seeyou |
Iyou | senyou | yeyou |
admyou | mustyou | mannayou |
goyou | dimiyou | omiyou |
coayou | emiyou | remiyou |
eatyou | existyou | repeyou |
coexistsyou | meddleyou | spaghettiyou |
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