The words ending in -ta are, generally, nouns or adjectives. In some cases they are feminine words. For example: hostessta, not goingta. But in other cases they are words that can be masculine or feminine. For example: democratta, pessimista.
Many of these nouns or adjectives are formed by adding suffixes that have -ta at the end. The most used are:
But there are also nouns and adjectives that do not contain any suffixes. For example: rata, you gota.
In addition, these letters have at the end the verbs whose infinitive ends in:
acrobaticta | dentista | pinta |
chessta | eurocrata | poor thingta |
automatonta | exacta | poeta |
bureaucratta | chillta | askedta |
rideta | gaviota | presideta |
walkta | toolta | promiseta |
candidata | immediateta | beefta |
capitalista | insistta | revisedta |
biketa | marxista | setenta |
eatta | menta | templeta |
compita | musicta | syndicalista |
congressta | neonata | social democratta |
corbata | not goingta | sota |
corista | nutritionista | tarta |
croata | parachuteta | stormta |
dalmata | countryta | avant-gardeta |
democratta | periodista | dressta |
tota | Ita | tinta |
bota | notta | trata |
gata | pata | cometa |
gota | beefta | vista |
theta | Saltta | vota |
acceptta | existta | pyreta |
yearta | bonfireta | prayta |
almostta | horita | tacita |
chiquita | me ifta | violateta |
mustta | offerta | visita |
headta | feminista | therapistta |
selfishnessta | abilityta | lateta |
palomita | favorita | guitarrista |
oculista | cineasta | detailsta |
i needta | foodta | finalista |
amaryllista | electricista | polytheista |
antagonista | stupefiedta | protagoniststa |
aristocratta | marathonta | receptionta |
you will commentta | motorcyclingta | saxophoneta |
discreditedta | you perfectionta | surrealista |
acupunctureta | automobileta | sensationalista |
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