50 Examples of Words that end in -nimo
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
Words ending in -nimo
In Spanish, there are few words ending in -nimo. Many are nouns Y adjectives of masculine gender formed by the suffix -onym, which means "name", which is preceded by a root, usually a prefix, which refers to the concept with which the suffix is related. Thus, for example, the roots an- (indicating negation), ant- (form of anti-, “opposite”) and top- (from the Greek topós, “Place”) followed by -onym form three words: antóencouragement, otherwiseencouragement, ran intoencouragement.
The ending -nimo is also present in adjectives longáencouragement Y magnáencouragement, And in the verb forms corresponding to the first person singular (I) of the Present of indicative mood and the third singular (he / she) of the simple past perfect of the verb encourage and its derivatives discourage Y revive.
Examples of words ending in -nimo
acroencouragement | fitóencouragement | myencouragement |
tonimo | heteroencouragement | goldencouragement |
áencouragement | hydroencouragement | unemploymentencouragement |
yearencouragement | hyperencouragement | areaencouragement |
antóencouragement | hiccupencouragement | pseudoencouragement / pseudoencouragement |
anthropoencouragement | homoencouragement | otherwiseencouragement |
desáencouragement | Jeróencouragement | teóencouragement |
epoencouragement | longáencouragement | moleencouragement |
evóencouragement | magnáencouragement | zooencouragement |
Three syllable words that end in -nimo
toencouragement | tonimo | áencouragement |
Four syllable words that end in -nimo
acroencouragement | hiccupencouragement | unemploymentencouragement |
yearencouragement | homoencouragement | pseudoencouragement |
antóencouragement | Jeróencouragement | otherwiseencouragement |
desáencouragement | magnáencouragement | teóencouragement |
epoencouragement | myencouragement | moleencouragement |
Five syllable words that end in -nimo
anthropoencouragement | heteroencouragement | hyperencouragement |
Sentences with words ending in -nimo
- Marisa suggested that Sabina go dancing, but she was not in cheer up For that.
- Jerome He is very excited about the video game that his brother recommended.
- The antonym from crafty It is not fool, otherwise naive.
- When reviewing the article he wrote, Martín replaced by a synonymous every word that was repeated.
- Ricardo Reis is a heteronym of the Portuguese writer Fernando Pessoa, famous for attributing the authorship of his works to different imaginary writers, who distinguished themselves by their themes and style.
- The government has ordered a salary increase minimum starting next month.
- Pablo Neruda is the pseudonym scored by Ricardo Eliécer Neftalí Reyes when we have the information.
- Everyone knows that the word UFO it's a acronym of unidentified flying object.
- One of the exam questions asked to determine which was the hyperonym from Pine tree, jasmine Y wheat, and two options were given: plant or culture.
- Diana, in addition to being the name of many women, is a theonymous, which refers to the Roman goddess of hunting.
- After gathering courage, Ernestina cheer up and called Claudio to apologize.
- Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart composed his Requiem for a commission anonymous.
- The description of absurd situations and the anguish they generate, frequent in Franz Kafka's stories, has given rise to the eponymouskafkaesque, which is used to refer to such situations.
- After the defeat suffered in Cannas before the Carthaginians commanded by Hannibal, the discouragement seized the Roman troops.
- In the garden they have planted a beautiful specimen of eponymous, along with other shrubs.
- The character magnanimous Alexander of Macedon has been shown in his dealings with the peoples he conquered and his rulers, whom he respected without imposing humiliating or excessively cruel conditions.
- The movie gone With the Wind It is based on the book namesake by Margaret Mitchell.
- Tuna, like Salmon, sturgeon Y mackerel, it's a hyponym from fish.
- The term home it is paronym from hunting.
- If something characterizes Ariel it is very long-suffering: he never complains, he is always grateful when they help him and, in turn, he does not hesitate to help those in need.
- As a general rule, any anthroponym of Latin origin ending in -us is written in Spanish with -or; well, the names Brutus Y Cornelius are written Stupid Y Cornelius.
- I am going to visit my grandfather and I revive a little, since a few days ago his dog died.
- Guadalajara is an example of place name.
- In the novel a oronimo imaginary, the hill of Stlurk, along with other real oronyms, such as Mount Everest or Mont Blanc.
- The zoonym Don Quixote's horse, Rocinante, comes from the fact that it is a nag, that is, a poor quality horse.
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