In Spanish there are many words ending in -ien. It is, for the most part, verbs ending in -iar in the following conjugations:
In this group, there are also some verbs ending in -eir, conjugated in the second person of the plural (you) and the third person of the plural (them) of the present of the indicative mood. For example: frgo, rgo,smilego.
Finally, there are a few nouns (sien, to theien), adverbs (bion, recwho, alsowho) Y pronouns (someien, whation).
abbrevien | countergo | fightien |
caressedien | custodien | limpien |
acopien | I denouncedien | badgo |
afilien | challengego | despiseien |
agencyien | slidego | negotiateien |
overwhelmedien | despiseien | I gave awayien |
agravien | unhingedien | odien |
someien | devgo | parabwho |
to theien | disocien | parodien |
relieveien | divorcien | plagien |
amplgo | coolgo | potentien |
anoticien | prosecutedien | preludeien |
ansgo | in you cien | premien |
I appreciateien | warmien | presenceien |
approprien | envgo | privilegien |
besiegeien | spaceien | averageien |
asphyxien | espgo | propicien |
asocien | skigo | whatien |
atrophien | I studyien | rabien |
auspicien | exileien | radiographgo |
auxiliaryien | expgo | recwho |
benefitien | extasgo | reconcileien |
bien | botherien | refugeien |
slanderien | financien | I quitien |
changeien | photocopien | repudiateien |
cien | photographgo | coldgo |
codicien | gugo | rgo |
swingien | fireien | rocgo |
tradeien | influencien | sacien |
councilien | ingenien | sien |
confgo | injurien | sitien |
congenien | intermediateien | alsowho |
contagien | justiprecien | vargo |
Two syllable words that end in -ien
changeien | medien | rgo |
copien | mustien | sitien |
frgo | obvien | alsowho |
hernien | precien | tapien |
limpien | recwho | vicien |
Three syllable words that end in -ien
I appreciateien | expropien | officien |
contagien | botherien | oprobien |
devgo | irradiateien | omenien |
skigo | malien | remedyien |
exfolien | I gave awayien | subsidien |
Four syllable words that end in -ien
caressedien | ravego | privilegien |
anoticien | photocopien | reconcileien |
benefitien | intermediateien | soliloquien |
countergo | justiprecien | testimonialien |
challengego | despiseien | boastfulnessien |
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