The words ending in -do they can be masculine nouns and adjectives, participles, gerunds or verbs. For example: agreedo, absurddoI atedo.
There is a great variety of nouns Y adjectives with these letters at the end, which can be divided into different groups according to their morphology:
They also end in -ado or -ido los participles, which are words that can be used to form compound tenses, in the passive voice or as adjectives. For example: singsdo, I wanteddo.
Also, they end in -ando or -endo the gerunds. These are words that can be used in verbal phrases and as circumstantial ones. For example: they dancedocome outdo.
As for the verbs, these letters have at the end those:
advocatesdo | they watchdo | drydo |
absurddo | nevado | they point outdo |
heredo | maydo | servedo |
orangedo | gratesdo | welddo |
apodo | resumeddo | luckydo |
weapondo | recommenddo | suspenddo |
velvetydo | scolddo | tardo |
authenticatedo | Queendo | timdo |
centigradedo | they distributedo | litmusdo |
consulado | resido | i broughtdo |
crudo | resultdo | triumphsdo |
decido | check outdo | come todo |
i understanddo | breakdo | vertebrado |
fondo | they snoredo | gooddo |
bonedo | rosedo | i liveddo |
industrializesdo | jumpdo | votedo |
meowdo | hellodo | and indo |
codo | Pissdo | neitherdo |
fromdo | modo | wildebeestdo |
dudo | mundo | ruido |
itdo | nado | comedo |
waterdo | barbudo | whistledo |
lovesdo | exodo | suffereddo |
tiedo | florido | unido |
ayudo | I hearddo | usesdo |
shavedo | deliverydo | revealsdo |
studentdo | I explodedo | ventilatedo |
paindo | stardo | they visitdo |
latticedo | rectordo | diveddo |
reproducedo | Meansdo | solution todo |
savordo | survivedo | they valuedo |
conditionsdo | nationalizedo | they revaluedo |
bad advicedo | rationalizedo | systematizesdo |
self-sufficientdo | they make compatibledo | professionalizesdo |
self-styleddo | co-starsdo | universalizedo |
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