In Spanish, words ending in -ca are very frequent and are usually adjectives female. For example: biographicalAC, kilometerAC, riAC.
There's also common nouns that end in these syllables (for example, basilAC, beAC) and others where the suffix -ca forms branches of knowledge (for example, itAC, legalAC, stoleAC) Y gentile (for example, AustriaAC, cheAC, SovietAC).
Words ending in -ca can also be verbs of the first conjugation, ending in -car. It is about the conjugation of the third person singular of the present of the indicative (he acerAC, pesAC) and the second person singular of imperative (toACyour).
Also, some adverbs can have this ending. For example: toAC, nunAC.
acousticAC | phonematiAC | picaresAC |
basilAC | for meAC | pirAC |
axiologicalAC | computerAC | pizAC |
sweptAC | legalAC | poeticAC |
biographicalAC | karateAC | polAC |
cerAC | theAC | politicalAC |
charAC | linguisticsAC | practicalAC |
cheAC | itAC | flushAC |
cinemateAC | logicalAC | replicaAC |
coAC | maraAC | rhetoricAC |
devilsAC | moreAC | riversAC |
dialecticAC | mechanicalAC | rubricAC |
discoAC | menarAC | saAC |
electronicAC | metriAC | psychotherapeuticsAC |
ThornAC | cuteAC | signAC |
statisticAC | obituaryAC | synapticAC |
estétiAC | wildebeestAC | synergyAC |
factoryAC | odalisAC | coverAC |
fiaAC | oligarchyAC | typologyAC |
endAC | birdAC | tranAC |
physicalAC | pesAC | urraAC |
foAC | petaAC | heAC |
toAC | nunAC | southAC |
arAC | orAC | toAC |
PubAC | pairAC | notAC |
beAC | penAC | heAC |
franAC | riAC | come backAC |
acerAC | hamaAC | shovelAC |
arniAC | indiAC | hairAC |
girlAC | isthmiAC | plasticAC |
enrosAC | mastiAC | rebusAC |
gauchesAC | optiAC | tantriAC |
asmatiAC | cephalicAC | symphonyAC |
librarianAC | encodeAC | sovietsAC |
bioetiAC | fantasticAC | telepathicAC |
botaniAC | ironyAC | unifiAC |
catholicAC | I meanAC | versifiAC |
agrochemicalAC | icnographicAC | prophylacticAC |
astrologicalAC | onomastiAC | psychophysiAC |
biomechanicsAC | panoramicAC | traffic lightAC |
catatonicAC | parabolicAC | syllogisticsAC |
histochemicalAC | problemAC | theosophicalAC |
dermatologicalAC | geopoliticsAC | sociobiologicalAC |
stylusAC | hydrodynamicsAC | sociolinguisticAC |
ethnolinguisticAC | hydromechanicsAC | teratologicalAC |
pharaohAC | psychotherapyAC | thermodynamicAC |