In Spanish, words ending in -ble they are very frequent. The suffix -ble form adjectives which may indicate capacity or possibility (availableble, To stopble) or attitude or quality (relentlessble, sensible).
They also form common nouns. For example: doble, cable, sable.
you acceptble | smokesble | mentionsble |
exhaustsble | it mattersble | mixble |
holdble | imposible | modulatesble |
isolatesble | bad debtble | changeble |
moldble | untoldble | noteble |
amortizesble | unexplainedble | numberble |
applyble | inextinguible | objectble |
audible | infigureble | obviousble |
encodeble | inflateble | oponible |
I knowble | I inflexedble | rewardsble |
agreesble | unsuspectedble | preventble |
freezesble | unsubstitutedble | pulverizeble |
corruptedble | untouchedble | rebatible |
delegateble | intomable | reformble |
dissectble | legalizeble | I distributedble |
praiseble | legible | It representsble |
evokesble | legislatesble | raffleble |
expansible | liquidble | I transferredble |
fermentsble | locateble | trespassble |
flexible | chewsble | transportsble |
shapeble | medible | usesble |
coldble | medicalble | violatesble |
bable | doble | notble |
ACble | faithble | roble |
givesble | mable | sable |
audible | entable | I heardble |
aunable | estateble | posible |
decible | flexible | jumpble |
afterble | inasible | blemishble |
hardble | mutatesble | it variesble |
hangsble | despisesble | fermentsble |
allegesble | dissectble | illegible |
town hallble | availableble | impalpable |
confusedble | elevateble | gotble |
conjugatesble | praiseble | I transferredble |
guessble | incognoscible | irreplaceble |
photosensible | incompetenceble | magnetizesble |
imprintble | indesmayable | Recommendble |
appealble | intransmuteble | subsidizesble |
slanderble | inubicable | suppliesble |
advises againstble | inanalyzeble | unmodifiesble |
locatesble | inarticulateble | unrecoverableble |