In Spanish, the words that start with homo- they are rare. For example: homophone, homosexual, homozygotic
Among them, you can find:
It should be noted that many of these terms are formed by the compositional element homo-, whose most frequent meaning is “equal”. For example: homologo, homophone, homograph.
homoclose | homogenetically | homoachieve |
homocycle | homogeneity | homolodge |
homozygotic | homogeneration | homologo |
homozygote | homogenerator | homomap |
homochlamydial | homogenerate | homonimia |
homophobia | homogenus | homonymic |
homophobic | homospelling | homocheer |
homophobo | homograph | homoptero |
homophone | homologable | homosexual |
homophone | homologin | homosexuality |
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