250 Examples of Serious Words (separated into syllables)
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
Serious words
A word is a lexical unit that has a fixed meaning and a grammatical category.
The syllables they are the phonological divisions of a word. The syllables that are pronounced with the same intensity as the others, are called unstressed syllables. The syllables that are pronounced with a greater intensity are called stressed syllables. The location of the stressed syllable is the one that divides the words according to their stress in:
Examples of grave words separated into syllables
Below we list serious words with their stressed syllable underlined.
Abandoned: a ban do na do | Democracy: de mo Ave Inc |
Abandonment: a ban do not | Athlete: by tis ta |
Fan: a ba neither co | Unhinged: des qui Inc do |
Crowded: a barro ta do | Dictionary: dic cio na River |
Stocked: a bas te ci do | Directed: say ri gí to |
Supply: a bas to | Discipline: dis ci pli na |
Bee: a be ha | Disco: disco tea AC |
Variegated: a bi ga rra do | Other: dis tin to |
Abominable: a bo mi na ble | Teacher: do cen tea |
Abhorrent: a bo rre ci ble | Docile: do cil |
Buttoned: a bo to na do | Dollar: do lar |
Abrasive: a bra Yes vo | Would dominate: do mi na laugh to |
Coat: a bri go | Sunday: Sun min go |
Absolutism: Ab so lu tis mo | Asleep: dor me do |
Grandmother: a good the | Ecology: e co lo gí to |
Conditioning: a with di cio not | Ecosystem: e co sis tea ma |
Acarrearía: a ca rrea laugh to | Effect: e fec to |
Aquarius: a what River | Elephant: e le fan tea |
According to Cuer do | Funnel: em bu do |
Accused: a cu sa do | Employee: em ple to do |
Embellishment: a dor not | Company: em pre sa |
Customs: a dua na | Energy: e ner gí to |
Adult: a dul to | Anger: e not jo |
Aphonia: a fo neither to | Salad: in sa the gives |
Water: to guide | Then: in ton ces |
Air: ai re | I hope: it is pe ro |
Album: to the boom | Stake: is ta AC |
Cheerful: a you gre | Stadium: is ta it gave |
Joy: to him yelled to | Stereotyped: is it re or you pa do |
Carpet: al fom bra | Star: is three lla |
Any: al gu not | Structure: it is truc you ra |
Alignment: a line a while to | Student: it's you day tea |
Storage: al ma EC not | Narcotic: it's your pe fa one hundred tea |
High sounding: al ti so nan tea | Great: it's you pen do |
Haughty: you he | Excellent: ex ce len tea |
Delivery: a lum bra while to | Exhibitionism: ex hi bi cio nis mo |
Yellow: a ma ri cry | Explosive: ex plo Yes vo |
Amber: A.M Pub | Extraordinary: ex tra or di na River |
Friend: a me go | Easy: fa cil |
I analyze: a na li zo | Family: fa me lia |
Anesthesiology: a nes te sio lo gí to | Fernando: fer nan do |
Angel: an gel | Fertile: fer useful |
Childish: to ni ña do | Thin: fla co |
Stunned: a no na gives do | Photography: photo to gra fy to |
Before: an tes | Fruit: fru to |
Anthology: an to lo gí to | Football: football bowl |
Longs for: a not ra | Futuristic: it was you ris ta |
I would appeal: eg the laugh to | Chicken coop: ga lli Wildman |
Stinks: a pes ta | Cattle: ga na do |
Apology: a po lo gí to | Genius: ge child |
Tree: ar bowl | Spending gas to |
Art: ar tea | Cat: ga to |
Appearance: as pec to | Generous: ge ne ro SW |
Assumes: a its I | Bodyguard: Guard it is pal das |
Subject: a sun to | Garland: garland final gives |
Attentive: a have to | Guitar: gui ta rra |
Increase: au men ta | Worm: gu sa not |
Wasp: a vis pa | Hermaphrodite: her ma fro gave ta |
Sugar: a zú car | Hispanic: his pa not |
Bay: ba hi to | History: his to estuary |
Balance: ba lan za | Incredible: in cre í ble |
Banana: ba na na | Naive: in ge nuo |
Bank: ban co | Instrument: Ins tru men to |
Flock: ban gives gives | International: in ter na cio final |
Tray: ban from ha | Greenhouse: in ver na from ro |
Bandit: ban gave do | Irresponsible: i rres pon sa ble |
Bath: ba not | Item: í tem |
Banker: ban what ro | Kilogram: ki lo gra mo |
Biceps: bi ceps | Pen: the pi EC ro |
Kind: bon da do SW | Pencil: the piz |
Boot: bo ta | Released: li be ra do |
Boat: bo tea | Line: li nea |
Brilliant: bri llan tea | Mastery: ma is trí to |
Well: good not | Tangerine: man da ri na |
Scarf: bu fan gives | Apple: man za na |
Looking for: bus dog do | Tomorrow: ma ña na |
Horse: ca ba cry | Butterfly: ma ri po sa |
Head: ca be za | Marble: sea mole |
Cable: AC ble | Martyr: sea throw |
Hip: ca from ra | Male: more cu li not |
Pumpkin: ca la ba za | Contempt: me we pre cio |
Footwear: lime za do | Messenger: men sa heh ro |
Bed: AC ma | Market: mer AC do |
Camaraderie: ca ma ra of laugh to | Minister: my nis not |
Camel: ca I cry | Backpack: mo chi the |
Path: ca me not | Moment: mo men to |
We walk: ca mi na we | Mobile: mo vile |
Shirt: ca me sa | Orange: na ran ha |
Countryside: cam po | Nectar: nec tar |
Cancer: dog cer | Nestor: Nés tor |
Expensive: AC ra | We do not SW others |
Shoal: car du men | Eyes: or jos |
Character: ca rac ter | Navel: om bli go |
Highway: ca rre tea ra | I order: or from not |
Eyebrows: EC jas | Bear: or SW |
Cease: EC he | Word: pa the bra |
Grass: cés ped | In order to: pa ra |
Darling: cie it | Passage: pa sa heh |
Surgery: ci ru gí to | Pasture: country to |
Climax: cli max | Chest: pe cho |
Kitchen: co ci na | Small: pe what not |
Cook: co ci ne ro | Hair: pe it |
College: co you gio | Dog: pe rro |
Edible: co month you ble | Stone: foot dra |
Comic: co mic | Leg: pier na |
Food: co me gives | Paint: pin you ra |
Conditioning: with di cio na while to | Planet: pla ne ta |
Condor: with dor | Plan: plan fi AC |
Sorcery: with thu ro | Beach: pla already |
Tip: with I know jo | Feather: plu ma |
Consul: with sul | Police: po li c to |
Contained: with tea neither to | Beans: po ro cough |
Contains: with tie ne | Positivism: po si ti vis mo |
I would run: run rri to | Poster: poster ter |
Ran: co rri to | First: pri I ro |
They ran: co rrie Ron | Problem: pro ble ma |
Corrects: co rri ge | Process: pro EC SW |
Cortázar: Cor tá czar | Program: pro gra ma |
Curtain: cor you na | Port: puer to |
Crater: Ave ter | Moan: what hee do |
Notebook: notebook der not | Burned: what ma do |
Knife: cu chi cry | Rationalism: ra tio na lis mo |
Weak: from bil | Branch: ra ma |
It said: of c to | They receive: re ci ben |
Decisive: of ci yes vo | Record: re cord |
See also: