100 Examples of Words with Y and LL
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
The LL and the Y
The words with LL they have the digraph ll (or ‘double ele’) and the words with Y(or 'Greek i') are used when followed by a vowel. For example: Yendo, rallado.
In phonological terms, the LL represents the palatal lateral phoneme / ll /. For example: Amarillor.
The Y can have a consonant or vowel value. When it fulfills the function of consonant is the voiced palatal phoneme / y /. For example: YaboutYor. Whereas when it acquires vowel value it is the anterior palatal phoneme / i /. This happens in words where the letter Y is in the final position. For example: UmbrellaY, hoY, reY.
Spelling rules for Y and LL
Some spelling rules to keep in mind when writing words with LL and Y are:
Words that start with Y or LL
Ythat | Llpray |
Yoga | Llegar |
Yegua | Llanto |
Yema | Llloving |
Ya what | Llloved |
Yuxtaposed | Lleno |
Yerba | Llto love |
Yugular | Llanura |
Yerno | Llgrape |
Yacer | Llloves |
Yate | Llyear |
YI carried | Llbird |
Words that are written with Y
AdYacente | OnomatopeYto | Yendonos |
TOYer | ORYand | Ygoing |
BoYto | ORYeron | Yerba |
BoYor | Paraguay | Cast |
GoodY | ProYecto | Yor |
CuYto | RaYor | Yode |
CuYor | SWY | Year |
DoY | HisYto | Yoduro |
EnsaYadored | HisYor | Yoga |
ExplaYar | YouYto | Yogurt |
EnsaYar | YouYor | Yolanda |
EnsaYor | Yto | Yorchid |
GaY | YI carried | Yor me |
GuideY | Ysidewalk | Yuan |
HaY | Yhere | Yaciment |
HaYto | Yaciente | Yuca |
HoY | Yhere | YUgoslavian |
HoYito | Yaga | Yugoslavia |
InYection | Ywill plow | Yute |
InYected | YtoYor | Yugular |
YouY | Yor | Ya what |
YouYó | Yedra | Yuxtalineal |
MuY | Yema | Yuxtaposition |
OkeY | Ygiving me | YorYor |
Words that are written with LL
TOllá | Cuchillor | Llgrape |
TOllanation | Cuellor | Mallto |
TOllí | Detalland | Marcarillto |
Arodillass | Dullllar | Illto |
BirdllAna | Escabullto go | Mellace |
Ballena | Stirrupllor | Gizzard |
Belleza | Fallto | I did not seellor |
Bellor | Fallecer | Orillto |
Bolsillor | Fallor | Ovillor |
Brillor | Follet | Paellto |
Bullicio | It waslland | Pasillor |
AClland | Gallito | Pastillto |
ACllI exercise | Gallor | Patrullar |
ACllor | Grillor | Pillor |
Camellor | Ladrillor | Chicken |
It fitsllor | Llaga | Knee |
Camillto | Llagas | Tomillor |
Capellan | Llloved | Donut |
Capllto | Llmoored | I knowllar |
Capullor | Llanura | Chair |
Baitllto | Llavero | Talland |
Cepillor | Llbirds | Tresillor |
Cerillor | Lldwarf | Youllgone |
WithllEve | Llevaba | Crockery |
Cucharillto | Llsheep | Hellto |
Cuchillto | Llnine | Helland |
A curious fact is that some words can be written with both Y and LL, and will have different meanings, they are Homophones words.
For example: AClladored(silent) / ACYadored(walking stick), ACllor(verb to shut up) / ACYor(islet), hallto(verb to find) / haYto (verb to have).
Follow with:
Words with D | Words with W |
Words with H | Words with K |
Words with Q | Words with Z |