The words with TR they can have these letters at the beginning or in the middle of the word, but never at the end. For example: trgo down intre, findtror.
This combination of letters is very common in Spanish, which is why it appears in many words. After T a single R (and not RR) is always written. For example: trin, riverstro, centror.
That there are so many words with TR is due, in part, to the fact that there are so many prefixes, suffixes and compositional elements with these two letters. The most used are:
abstract | it istrategy | silvestrand |
actriz | it istrthrew out | simetría |
adentror | it istrher | torchtror |
administertrador | it istrenar | trbring down |
antropologist | it istricto | tractor |
earnesttrar | it istropear | tradditional |
acetronauta | it istructure | tradduction |
totrapart | formertryear | traer |
totrbird | formertraordinary | traphic |
totribuir | formertrlandstrand | tragic |
australiano | formertravagant | traition |
centror | filtror | trloves |
cicatriz | frustraction | tranchor |
knowtraction | industrial | transference |
construction | instruction | trcraving |
withtrto | instrument | transmit |
withtraddiction | intriga | transparente |
withtraseña | kilometertror | transport |
withtraste | youtrto | trace |
withtrtie | litror | trto isolate |
withtribuir | Itror | trtie |
withtrsmell | whiletrace | trtrajectory |
demostrar | ministror | trthirty |
desastrand | monstruo | tron |
destrgo | ourtrto | trenza |
distribuir | ortror | trepar |
distrito | askedtrto | trangle |
electrionic | petroil | tribuna |
findtrar | postrand | trineo |
ontrada | psychiatrto | trimposing |
ontrar | registror | tryou are |
ontrand | retrroast | troffense |
ontregar | retrtied | tropezar |
ontrenar | riverstror | tropical |
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