50 Examples of Words with the Prefix pro
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
Words with the prefix pro-
The prefixpro- It is one of the most used in the Spanish language. Two origins are attributed to it: Latin, derived from the word prode which means "profit", and the Greek pro, which means "before." For example: proclamor, promove.
The opposite of this prefix isĀ prefix anti-.
Meanings of the prefix pro-
How is this prefix written?
Like any prefix, it is correct that it be placed soldier or joined to the accompanying word without hyphens or spaces. However, there is an exception to the rule: when the prefix accompanies several words, it is written separately. For example: Pro Human rights.
Examples of words with the prefix pro-
As a substitution prefix:
- Pronoun: Word that is used to replace the common or proper name.
- Prosthesis: Substitution or replacement of an organ with another artificial or natural piece.
- Protutor: Who is in charge of representing the guardian in front of a judge.
As a position prefix:
- Proceed: Have an origin or start something.
- Procreate: Breed a species.
- Progenitor: Biological father or mother of a person. It literally indicates "the one who is before the begotten."
- Program: Project that is carried out in a planned way to carry out an action, objective or goal.
- Foreword: Written at the beginning of a work.
- Forecast: How to predict a future event taking into account parameters and logical variables.
- Come from: Origin of something before it happens.
- Foster: Adopt a child.
- Prophylactic: Which serves to protect against illness or evil.
- Prognathous: That they have large, protruding jaws.
- Prognosis: Advance knowledge related to meteorological events.
- Prophesy: Predicting a future fact or event by divine revelation.
- Prolegomenon: Introduction that precedes a treatise or speech.
- Prolepsis: Previous knowledge of a thing.
- Pronaos: Attic that predicted the sanctuary of the Romans and Greeks.
- Provided: Time before the departure of something.
- Prothorax: First segment of 3 parts that constitute the thorax of an insect.
- Providenciar: Anticipatory action to avoid damage.
As a movement prefix:
- Bow: Front of an aircraft or vessel.
- Proclitic: Words that are pronounced together with the next word.
- Produce: Elaborate or manufacture an artificial or natural product.
- Profess: Accept a religion or religious belief.
- Progress: Notice an improvement or progress.
- Promote: Encourage the development of one thing.
- Propel: Push forward one thing.
- Pursue: Follow or continue forward whether in a speech or in walking.
- Fugitive: Who has fled from justice.
- Promote: Encourage or push an action for the development of something.
- Extension: Time that a sporting event extends to define who is the winner.
- Prosecution: Continuation of something that has been started previously.
- Protractile: Which can be projected forward at a certain distance.
As a post prefix:
- Proclaim: Declare or announce something publicly.
- Lavish: Give something generously and in the service of others.
- Utter: Saying words in a raised and violent tone.
- Enact: Officially publish a law, decree or formal communication.
- Proliferate: Play or multiply something.
- To pronounce: Announce something out loud and in public.
- Spread: Expand something to many points or many directions.
- Propagate: Disclosing something that has bad wishes or intentions.
As a negation prefix:
- Outlaw: Forbid someone something.
- Prohibition: Deny something to someone.
As approval prefix:
- Pronature: Who is in favor or takes actions to protect nature.
- Prohumanity: That it is in favor of humanity and its rights.
- Procommunal: That you are in favor of a commune or of ideas, actions or projects that benefit it.
- Pro-independent: Which is in favor of the independence of something.
- Pro-revolutionary: That approves or supports a certain revolutionary movement.
- Pronation: Who acts and thinks in favor of the nation.
(!) Exceptions
Not all words that start with syllables pro- correspond to this prefix. These are some exceptions:
- Probable: What can happen or be carried out.
- Test tube: Glass beaker used in laboratories.
- Problem: A debatable situation that must be resolved.
- Proboscis: Trunk of certain animals such as the elephant seal or the tapir.
- Insolence: Boldness or shamelessness related to sexuality.
- Lewd: Who acts or speaks in a shameless way.
- Try: Use a certain thing to check its validity.
- Hero: Illustrious man.
- Process: Set of successive cycles that must be carried out for the realization of something.
- Proclive: Which has an inclination towards something in an unforced and natural way.
- Proconsul: Magistrate Governor of Ancient Rome.
- To procure: Attempting or pursuing a specific objective or purpose.
- Produce: Manufacture, elaborate something.
- Product: Result of something that occurs naturally or artificially.
- Proem: Introductory part of a treatise or speech.
- Prologue: Judgment.
- Auspicious: Which is correct or favorable.
- Proscenium: Site of the ancient Greek theater located between the stage and the orchestra.