50 Examples of Words with the Prefix semi-
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
Words with the prefix semi-
The prefixsemi-, of Latin origin, it is used to indicate "intermediate situation", "almost" or "half of something". For example: semicircle (half a circle), semiquaver (half an eighth note).
It is related to the prefix hemi- which also means "half" or "half of", but of Greek origin.
How do you spell the prefix semi-?
Like all prefixes, semi- is written together with the accompanying word and the separation by space or script.
Joined to words that begin with a vowel I
As with the prefix anti-, the prefix semi- ends in a weak vowel: the letter I.
If the word that accompanies the semi- prefix begins with a vowel I, it is correct to duplicate this vowel I, forming a double I (II). For example: semiiInflatable. It is also correct to suppress an I: semiInflatable.
However, the spelling may allow the simplification of one of the vowels I as long as its meaning is not altered. For example: the word semiilegal You could not delete a vowel I since, in this example, it would completely change its meaning:
semiilegal(something that is almost illegal), semilegal (something that is almost legal).Attached to a word that begins with R
In the event that the semi- prefix accompanies a word that begins with the letter R, it is necessary to duplicate this letter and form a double R (RR). For example: semirrfiery
Examples of words with the prefix semi-
- Semi open: Something that is half open. That is, half open and half closed.
- Semiautomatic: That it is not completely automatic but has certain automatic functions but not all.
- Semi-demeanor: Smooth rise in intonation of a phrase at the end of the phrase.
- Semi-hot: Something that is warm, that is, neither too hot nor cold.
- Semi-tired: That you are partially tired or fatigued.
- Semi-closed: That it is half closed but not completely.
- Half cylinder: Body that is made up of half a circle.
- Semicircle: Half a circle.
- Semicircumference: Half of a circumference.
- Semi-cooked: Something that is not fully cooked.
- Semiconductor: Which conducts partially, less than certain conductors and more than insulators.
- Semiconsonant: Vowel that is located at the beginning of a diphthong.
- Semiquaver: Rhythmic figure that is equal to half an eighth note.
- Semi-covered: Which is partially covered.
- Half naked: Which is partially or moderately naked.
- Half destroyed: Which was partially destroyed.
- Semidiameter: Each of the two parts of a diameter that are separated by the center.
- Semi-deceased: Almost deceased.
- Semi diffuse: Something almost fuzzy.
- Demigod: That he does not become a god.
- Half asleep: That he is partially asleep.
- Semisweet: Which is mildly sweet.
- Hemisphere: Half sphere.
- Semifinal: Instance before a final.
- Semi-fuzzy: It is a rhythmic musical figure that is equal in time to half a fusa.
- Demihuman: That it has human features but that it does not get to be.
- Semi-conscious: That he is almost unconscious.
- Semi-independent: Which is partially independent.
- Semi-inflatable: Object that can be partially inflated.
- Semilunio: Half the time it takes the moon to pass from one conjunction to the other.
- Pre-owned: That it is not completely new, that is to say that it has very little use.
- Medium heavy: Which is moderately heavy.
- Semiplane: Which results from the division by a line that crosses the middle of said plane.
- Semi-professional: That it does not become professional.
- Ray: Which is a partial line.
- Semirigid: That it does not have absolute rigidity.
- Semi dry: That it is moderately dry.
- Semitone: Term used in music that indicates an interval that corresponds to half a tone.
- Semitransparent: Which is partially transparent.
- Semi-alive: Half alive.
(!) Exceptions
Not all words that begin with semi-syllables correspond to this prefix. There are some exceptions:
- Seminar: Group of activities carried out by teachers and students and that revolve around an activity with the aim of instructing them in a specific subject.
- Semiotics: Science that studies the signs.