Syllables gua, gue and gui they are part of a large number of words, even beginning many of them. For example: toguide, toguerrido, guiSW.
However, in the case of the last two, (gue and gui) there is a particularity, because their loudness changes with respect to the first. In these cases, the three letters are not pronounced, but the middle U fulfills a function without sound: it distinguishes the two uses of the G, which can be pronounced as a G (glove) or as a J (turn).
If you wanted to give a sound to the u, in those cases, you should use the umlaut, transforming the syllable into güi or güe. For example: contiguity, find out.
Words with guidance | Words with gue | Words with gui |
toguide | bregue | I guidedto |
contiguide | cargue | guiSW |
guiderank | cabbagegué | I knowguidor |
in order toguides | dengue | guillotina |
guiderida | ECguera | guitarra |
amortiguide | erogue | Yesguientity |
quietguidedo | denegué | araguenot |
iguidel | embrague | per seguido |
Guidentanamo | divague | conseguible |
toguidefiery | higuera | extinctguigives |
guidecamole | regué | saintguiplay it |
toguidenta | Guerunic | guirnaldas |
desguidereborn | espagueyou | guion |
guidebefore | carguero | Guido |
Guidetheme her | guerrero | anguithe |
desguidezado | chargegué | toguijón |
I sawguide | you riskguen | to meguiSaint |
toguiderde | embarguen | GuiI will |
guidewardrobes | agrégueyou | distinguir |
guidepa | guebrown | changuito |
I testifiedguider | cataloggué | águithe |
antiguide | openedgué | strikeguithese |
desiguidel | rechargegue | hormiguita |
ambiguide | guerra | languisay |
guiderdar | fatigué | monkeyguicry |