A diphthong is a group of two different and contiguous vowels that are pronounced in the same syllable.
In both cases, if the closed vowel is stressed, no diphthong is formed.
airado | Faisaint | pairaiSW |
aire | Haiyou | prosaico |
aigo ahead | hebraico | raido |
A.Mainar | JaiI | retraiI lie |
apaisado | JamaiAC | saijoin |
arcaico | maizal | taimado |
bailar | weaico | traition |
caimanes | naipe | traidor |
desaire | paisaje | vaina |
extraigo | paihealthy | vainilla |
audacia | tell usaurivers | laurel |
aueditorial | encauhe | nufrago |
aullar | enjaular | naube |
aument | exhausto | sauEC |
auto | flauta | sauco |
autor | inaugure | sauna |
causa | incauto | tauro |
causante | jauthe | trauma |
anciaus | binaria | necia |
Aceia | Birmania | negotiateia |
baquianot | gillia | notoriousia |
barría | caricia | pianot |
basilia | eatia | racial |
grantia | confiar | rancia |
begonia | hacia | recia |
bestias | willían | Sucia |
biblia | Fightia | haveía |
bigamia | logia | vacía |
actuation | amortiguar | guardar |
acuáattic | anuaRiver | lenguaheh |
adequatelyuagives | appeaseuar | menguar |
aduana | ascua | mensual |
agua | I found outuar | mutuamind |
aguado | continueuado | usual |
aguantar | cuaderno | ritual |
aguardar | cuadricle | suago |
ajuar | cuanot | tatuar |
ambigua | guante | textuamind |
agrI heardindustry | cI heardRon | geI heardfrom |
albuminI hearddeo | cI heardto | herI heardcas |
andrI heardfrom | cabbageI hearddes | humanI heardfrom |
arcI heardris | desI heardgan | I heardgo |
asterI hearddes | diplI heardfrom | rI heardto |
bI heardcollate | spermI heardfrom | rhombI heardfrom |
bI heardna | its TI heardschism | tifI hearddea |
cellulI heardfrom | gasI heardl | throwI hearddes |
cI hearddecide | gastrI heardntestinal | trapezI heardfrom |
bourbon | glamour | limousine |
gourmet | bouticket | beounidenses |
accentuó | devaluó | insinuó |
actuó | duonot | monstruo |
acuosa | graduó | mutuos |
ambiguo | evaluó | obliqueuo |
olduo | extenduó | whatuórum |
arduo | fluctuó | withoutuoSW |
Attenduó | fluor | situó |
continueuo | habituó | untuoSW |
cuotas | inocuo | vacuothe |
absEUlve | appeaseEU | jEUz |
abEUit | aprEUba | mEUbles |
actEU | apEUthese | mEUthe |
acEURev | bEUnot | nEUvo |
afEUra | cEUrda | recEURev |
anzEUthe | dEUnot | sEUnot |