In Spanish, there are many words that contain a vowel before M. For example: A.Mor, emanation, impulse, ombu, umbrales.
Although there are several words that contain a vowel followed by the M in the same syllable (for example: em-pa-you-a), there are also many that contain these sequences but in different syllables (for example: i–ma-gi-na-tion).
To keep in mind, one of the basic rules of Spanish says that the M must be preceded by both the letter P and the B, and never by the N or by the V. For example: ACmpor youmbre.
A.Mable | embutidos | imbearing |
A.Magar | emisor | impressor |
A.Mapola | emitir | improvided |
A.Mar | empate | impulsating |
A.Mbition | emrock | impune |
A.Medretar | emfish | impunctual |
A.Mon | empinnate | ombligo |
A.Menaza | emdust | ombu |
A.Mérica | embid up | omega |
A.Minorder | imagen | ominoso |
A.Mistad | imagitation | omision |
A.Mor | iman | omitir |
A.Mdreamlike | imlocation | omniscient |
A.Mor | impayable | omoplat |
A.Moral | impair | umbilical |
A.Mplead | imperfect | umbral |
emraft | imcheep | umbria |
emmouth | implant | umbroso |
A.Mbreastfeed | A.Mnesia | A.Mplification |
A.Mring | A.Mnystia | A.Monestar |
A.Mbulancia | A.Mundoing | A.Mputation |
A.Migdalas | A.Mperes | A.Muralled |
embalage | empatia | empleated |
embat | emhair comb | emdam |
empalm grove | emget worse | emdirk |
emget up | empyric | emulsion |
imdepart | imexplore | imprisoners |
impenetrable | impoluto | improbable |
imperio | imbearing | imprompt |
imapplication | impress | imMarket Stall |
ombligo | omisible | omnipresence |
ombu | omision | omniscient |
omega | omiso | omnivore |
ominoso | omnipotent | omoplat |
umbela | umbral | umbria |
umbilical | umbralado | umbroso |
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