In Spanish, there are many words that begin with the sequence A + H. For example: ahgold, ahnow ahí. For the rest of the vowels there are only certain interjections followed by H. For example: Hey, oh, uh.
However, we will find several words that contain ah, uh, ih, oh, uh in the middle. For example: almohbye, aprHeyension, chihuahua, bohemia, buhor.
ah | ahocicar | ahuautle |
ahajar | ahogadizo | ahuciar |
ahebrado | ahogamiento | ahuecado |
ahthrew out | ahogo | ahuecar |
aherr | ahwave | ahboning |
ahí | ahnow | ahnew |
ahidalgar | ahorcade | ahuevazón |
ahfixed | ahorcar | ahumado |
ahfix | ahorita | ahumar |
ahilar | ahspeaker | ahuyama |
ahile | ahspeakers | ahuye |
ahincar | ahpray | Hey |
ahinoculate | ahorative | oh |
ahistoric | ahgold | ohmimeter |
ahitem | ahgolds | ohOwn |
ahlocation | ahhear | uh |