The hyperbole is a rhetorical figure that is observed in expressions that they exaggerate, for aesthetic purposes, reality. For example: I almost died of fright.
The term hyperbole comes from the Greek hyperbolē, which means "on top of" and bole, which means "to throw". Who uses it, does not intend that the receiver interprets it in a literal way and this is precisely because of the degree of unreality it presents.
The goal of hyperbole is to make emphasis In some specific idea, attract the attention of the receiver, or express a concept with greater intensity.
Here are some expressions that contain hyperbole, as an example:
Allusion | Pure metaphors |
Analogies | Metonymy |
Antithesis | Oxymoron |
Antonomasia | Growing words |
Ellipse | Parallelism |
Exaggeration | Personification |
Gradation | Polysyndeton |
Hyperbole | Simile or comparison |
Sensory Imaging | Synesthesia |
Metaphors |