These are some words that rhyme with "sleep": stun, bless, coexist, discuss, elude, hurt, go, show off, forbid, laugh(consonant rhymes), actress, here, trick, Benjamin, dancer, sleep, identikit, limousine, mannequin, I received(assonance rhymes).
Is named rhyme to the relationship between two words that end phonetically the same. For two words to rhyme, the sounds from their last stressed vowel must match.
Rhymes are resources that are used in some poetry, sayings, songs and odes and can be of two types:
I droveto go | confluto go | contributedto go |
sayto go | decto go | definto go |
describeto go | I discoveredto go | devento go |
emitto go | halfwayto go | excludeto go |
fundto go | insistto go | introducto go |
intuto go | invadeto go | cursedto go |
malvivto go | omitto go | oppressedto go |
partto go | chaseto go | persistto go |
persuadeto go | rotto go | repercussionto go |
shaketo go | Saltto go | seducedto go |
followto go | sentto go | servto go |
sufferto go | transferto go | ato go |
cometo go | vestto go | vivto go |
botín | sockín | camarín |
scariz | comí | gardenín |
kit | Monis | maíz |
briefcaseín | raíz | rubí |
sinfín | tendí | violín |
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