50 Examples of Exclamatory and Interrogative Determinants
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
Exclamatory and Interrogative Determinants
The exclamatory determinants are variable words that accompany the noun to specify its meaning in exclamation sentences and interrogatives. For example: what, how much, which, how many.
How are exclamatory and interrogative determiners written?
The number and gender of the determiner always coincides with the noun it accompanies, except for the determiner "that", which is invariable and is used for feminine, masculine, singular or plural nouns. For example: ¡What nice day! ¡What good movie! ¡What good students! ¡What big flowers!
The exclamatory and interrogative determiners are always placed before the noun and always have an accent. For example: ¡How much people came! ¿Which subject do you like more?
Examples of sentences with exclamatory and interrogative determiners
- ¡What such a beautiful day to go to the beach!
- ¡How much noise is in this room!
- ¡How much light comes through the window!
- ¡How many kids came to the party!
- ¡How many have flowers in your garden!
- ¡What I have a headache!
- ¡How much material I have to read for the next class!
- ¡How much people came to the square!
- ¡How many there are birds in that tree!
- ¡How many sheets has that book!
- ¡What so beautiful movie we just saw!
- ¡How much time has passed since we last met!
- ¡How much homework gave us today the teacher!
- ¡How many books have in your library!
- ¡How many wallets you have!
- ¡What I am hot!
- ¡How much it's cold in this city!
- ¡How much food you prepared!
- ¡How many months until the holidays!
- ¡How many ants are in my pots!
- ¡What Unforgettable recital we saw that day!
- ¡How much money I spent in the market!
- ¡How much shadow gives that tree!
- ¡How many hallways this building has!
- ¡How many cookies I ate without realizing it!
- ¿Which movie did you recommend me?
- ¿Which shoes that should I repair?
- ¿What day do we have to deliver the monograph?
- ¿How much time will you spend in paris?
- ¿How much paint should I buy to paint this kitchen?
- ¿How many do you have grandchildren?
- ¿How many times I told you not to interrupt me?
- ¿Which dress do you recommend that I wear to the end of the year party?
- ¿Which plants do you recommend for my balcony?
- ¿What painting would you like us to buy to put on top of the fireplace?
- ¿How much money do I owe you for the repair?
- ¿How much Are you planning to invite to the wedding?
- ¿How many days does the result of this analysis take?
- ¿How many people enter the largest room in this cinema?
- ¿Which day of the week is it more comfortable for us to meet?
- ¿Which earrings do you like more?
- ¿What series can we see tonight?
- ¿How much do I buy bread for lunch?
- ¿How much sugar is the recipe?
- ¿How many do you have students in that school?
- ¿How many questions will the exam have?
- ¿Which Fellini movie did you like more?
- ¿Which shoes are better for running?
- ¿What temperature will it be tomorrow?
- ¿How much How long will it take us to do this procedure?
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