Rhyme: definition, types and examples
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
The rhyme it is a rhythmic element within a text written in verses, such as a song or a poetry. It is an acoustic phenomenon because it occurs when a group of phonemes are repeated in at least two verses. This repetition occurs in the last vowel that carries accent.
For example: Moon Y puna.
The word rhyme is used within the literature to refer to certain compositions in the form of verse and in fact it is very common to associate them with poetry.
One of the most recognized figures who dedicated himself to writing rhymes was the Spanish Gustavo Adolfo Domínguez Bastida (better known by his pseudonym: Adolfo Bécquer), one of the most recognized artists within Romanticism. Another Spanish author who also stood out for the composition of rhymes was Federico García Lorca.
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Types of rhymes
Within the rhymes you can identify two variants, Which are the following:
Examples of rhymes
- "Catalejo"And" añejo”(Consonant).
- "Rainá" and returná”(Consonant).
- "I leftó"And" rindió”(Sounding).
- "Madandrto"And" surgeandlto”(Sounding).
- "Ctojto"And" ctorto”(Sounding).
- "Espandrto"And" devandlto”(Sounding).
- "Pewax”And“ Cabewax”(Consonant).
- "ManWater”And“ AconcWater”(Consonant).
- "Refhear me"And" defhear me”(Consonant).
- "Ctolto"And" ctotto”(Sounding).
- "Rtomto"And" ctomto”(Sounding).
- "Aleman"And" German”(Consonant).
- "Cadit was"And" monthit was”(Consonant).
- "Cayó"And" retó”(Sounding).
- "La" And pa”(Consonant).
- "Mtopto"And" rtomto”(Sounding).
- "Remit was"And" Caldit was”(Consonant).
- "A.Má"And" Jugá”(Sounding).
- "Carton"And" Ramon”(Consonant).
- "Cancion"And" attentionon”(Consonant).
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