The verbs They are words that are used to express actions, states, attitudes, conditions, events of nature or existence. For example: hspeak, huir, husmear.
The infinitives of verbs with H (like all verbs) can have three endings: -ar (hurtar, hbrowse), -er (hacer, haber), -to go (herir, hsink).
The letter H is the only one in the Spanish alphabet that does not have a sound when it is at the beginning of a word, that is, its pronunciation is not phonetic. That is why she is called a "silent letter."
haber | hermanar | hhomogenize |
henable | herr | homologize |
habide | hruin | honrar |
habit | hervir | hpray |
hspeak | hibernate | hdecorate |
hacer | hidrate | hterrorize |
hachar | hignite | hospedar |
hacinar | hilar | hospitalize |
hpraise | hilvanar | hharass |
hallar | hincar | hgo |
hamacar | hinchar | humanize |
hartar | hhypnotize | hsmoke |
hastiar | hipotecar | hmoisten |
hcast out | hisopar | humillar |
heder | hbrowse | hsink |
helar | holgar | hurge |
heredar | hsnub | hurtar |
herr | hhonor | husmear |
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