In Spanish, there are many words that contain the letter H before a vowel. For example: haburger, i havectárea, hipoop, HoMere, huemul.
At present, this letter is no longer pronounced, except when it is part of the digraph CH or in some terms from other languages. For example: hockey, hobby.
hablar | i haveder | hoha |
hacer | i havetool | Holanda |
hachís | i haverrero | holgazan |
haturn | hitied | hocrazy |
hacination | hibernar | Horeason |
hagives | hidalgo | hormiga |
Haití | hihydraulic | hortension |
halake | hiedra | hotel |
hallazgo | hithe | humean |
hafight | hielo | humo |
haalready | hisopo | humor |
i havebra | history | huracan |
i havebreo | hito | hufreak |
i havechizo | hobby | hurgar |
i havecho | hocico | huRon |
i havectárea | hogar | hurtar |
i havectoliter | holoop | husmear |
Hector | hoWhite girl | huSW |
haba | habitant | haluro |
habath | hacha | habruise |
haber | hache | hambre |
habitation | halitho | haburger |
i havegemony | i havemess | i havenot |
i havebed | i havematology | i havegrille |
I havefirewood | i havembra | i havermetic |
i havelycopter | i havemisphere | i havetheronym |
hiflange | himistake | hijo |
hidra | higado | hiit |
hiena | higiene | himno |
hierba | higo | hinchar |
hockey | hologram | homycide |
hojalata | hombre | homilía |
holgado | hombro | horno |
hollin | hohousehold | horoscope |
hucha | huerta | Hugo |
huecho | huthat | huto go |
huthe GA | huthis | huyou |
huorphan | huevo | huhand |
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