In Spanish, words ending in -phonia They are nouns female. The suffix -phony indicates sound or voice. For example: tophone, radiophone, withoutphone.
Since the sequence -ia forms hiatus, these nouns will almost always be written with a tilde in the I. For example: euphone, copphone.
tophone | stereophone | periphone |
apophone | euphone | copphone |
thiefphone | Frankphone | psychophone |
colophonia | homophone | radiophone |
dayphone | isophone | radiophone |
disphone | megaphone | withoutphone |
dodecaphone | goalphone | TVphone |
egophone | orthophone | zanphone |
tophone | colophonia | withoutphone |
disphone | euphone | zanphone |
thiefphone | isophone | copphone |
egophone | megaphone | psychophone |
Frankphone | goalphone | radiophone |
homophone | orthophone | TVphone |