In Spanish, words ending in -al are frequent both in adjectives What nouns. For example: accidentto the, brutto the, fruitto the.
Adjectives formed with the suffix -al usually have a substantive connotation. For example: foundationto the, optionto the. These adjectives can also indicate membership or relationship with something and nouns, abundance of something. For example: autumnto the, dinerto the.
abyssto the | brutto the | mariscto the |
accidentto the | headto the | materito the |
actorto the | dogto the | medievto the |
actto the | caneto the | I diedto the |
additionto the | casuto the | monacto the |
adverbto the | celestito the | mortto the |
agramaticto the | collaterto the | multiculturto the |
ancestorto the | colloquito the | multifunctionto the |
andurrito the | controversyto the | nominto the |
anti-constitutionto the | denaturto the | occupationto the |
antigripto the | divisionto the | autumnto the |
antinaturto the | structureto the | swampto the |
anti-sweatto the | extraterritorito the | passionto the |
antivirto the | federto the | pastureto the |
barandto the | festivto the | paternto the |
basilicto the | fluvito the | policeto the |
bestito the | formto the | prenatto the |
bicamerto the | wetto the | provisionto the |
bimonthlyto the | individualto the | santorto the |
boreto the | intergenerationto the | quarterto the |
boyto the | lexicto the | troncto the |
brito the | cornto the | viscerto the |
anuto the | dorsto the | nasto the |
astrto the | focto the | ojto the |
banto the | fruitto the | breadto the |
centrto the | jornto the | totto the |
corrto the | morto the | usuto the |
abacito the | decimto the | muddyto the |
arrabto the | essenceto the | bishopto the |
garbageto the | federto the | orbitto the |
coffeeto the | garrafto the | Shepherdto the |
cereto the | wetto the | fifteento the |
abdominto the | greatto the | meridionto the |
aubergineto the | gramaticto the | nutritionto the |
peanutto the | heptagonto the | patrimonito the |
decagonto the | inauguratedto the | referenceto the |
ecuatorito the | marriageto the | traditionto the |
attitudeto the | departmentto the | jurisdictionto the |
aircraftto the | extrajudicialto the | latitudeto the |
anti-sweatto the | gravitationto the | lengthto the |
behaviorto the | unconditionalto the | environmentto the |
confessionto the | inquisitiveto the | plurinationto the |
constitutionto the | infinitesimto the | pluridimensionto the |
aerospaceto the | infrastructureto the | one-dimensionalto the |
unconstitutionalto the | organizationto the | unidirectionto the |