Soft Words Example
Spanish Classes / / July 04, 2021
They are called as soft words Those that at the phonetic level they have a low cadence, not as vibrant or voiced like other words. Soft words are characterized by being mostly made up of phonemes (sounds) of the nasal type (like / n /, / m / and / ñ /), affricates (/ ch /) and simple vibrators (like / r /). Soft words are also made up of voiceless phonemes, those in which there is no vibration in the vocal cords, such as: / k / (for example, in home), / ch / (for example, in chili), / f / (for example, in cold), / j / (for example, in Gray), / p / (for example, in pulse), / t / (for example, in Thunder), / s / (for example, in Yes).
All this seen from phonetics, a branch of grammar that studies the sounds that make up the spoken language.
Weak vowels
Spanish has five vowels: a, e, i, o, u. These are divided into strong and weak. The a, e Y or are considered as strong or open vowels, while i Y or they are considered as weak or closed vowels. Weak vowels make softer sounds than strong vowels. Therefore, soft words contain mostly by weak vowels. In addition, an interesting characteristic of these is that they can form diphthongs (the union of two vowels) when they are unstressed (when the stressed syllable does not fall on them). Weak vowels can form diphthongs in the following combinations:
- a) Diphthongs formed by a weak vowel + a weak vowel: Fuimos, noise.
- b) Diphthongs formed by a weak vowel + a strong vowel: Cuarto, hierro, miedo, changeio.
- c) Diphthongs formed by a strong vowel + a weak vowel: Aulido, au
The specific cases of consonants in Spanish "g", "r" and "c"
Within the Spanish alphabet there are three interesting cases of phonemes that constitute strong words but also soft words, these are the following: the consonant g, the consonant r and the consonant c.
With the consonant g (which corresponds to the phoneme / j /) you can see the phenomenon of diphthongs mentioned above. Some weak words with this consonant are: guide, guillotine, Guillermo, scriptwriter, script.
As can be seen in the previous examples, the or, classified as a weak vowel, it can be found between a consonant of a strong phonetic nature (such as g) and another vowel (like to, and,I heard), resulting in smoothly articulated words.
In the case of the consonant r A quite particular case happens, since depending on the positioning of the r This can sound louder or less loud or even reaffirm its sound with a double multiple vibration, as in the case of the rr. Some examples of words with ras soft consonants they are: pirate, snail, treasure, lollipop, miner, sailor, dinosaur, candy, butterfly, parrot, lamp. In contrast to these, some words with r as a strong consonant they are: roar, risk, frog, rails.
With the c a situation similar to the one g and another phenomenon similar to that of r. In cases where the consonant c precedes a diphthong formed by the weak vowel or plus another vowel (like "cua", "cui", "cue", "cuo"), a soft word is formed, such is the case of: care, body, when. If we have the combination of the consonant c more or more r plus another vowel, the r it becomes a simple vibrant, that is, a soft consonant, as in: cure, bandage. Now yes the c is preceded by a i goes from being a stop consonant to a fricative. Hence the pronunciation of the consonant c becomes a hiss, for example in: city, maroon, cinema, etc.
90 examples of soft words
- Vermin
- Pillow
- Student
- Friend
- Craving
- Smell
- Binomial
- Jump
- Bustle
- Bed
- Camera
- songs
- Home
- One hundred
- Top
- Five
- Town
- Blanket
- Food
- Careful
- Medicine man
- Deity
- Tooth
- Difference
- Money
- Slept
- Duel
- Pharaoh
- Figure
- Finite
- Coldness
- Strong
- He shouted
- Guero
- Wreath
- Doing
- Herb
- Story
- Fungus
- I smell
- Vegetable patch
- Human
- Smoke
- To imagine
- Indication
- Inertia
- Jury
- jurisprudence
- lagoon
- Latitude
- Language
- Sign
- Book
- Canvas
- Flashlight
- Bunk
- Parrot
- Blanket
- Medicine
- Afraid
- Look
- Peephole
- Modesty
- Monkey
- Monkey
- Moss
- Nationality
- Nose
- Foolishness
- Fog
- Boy
- Knot
- Nourish
- Source
- Native
- Similar
- Pear
- Brush
- Private
- Six
- Seriousness
- Silenced
- Increase
- Dirty
- Sweat
- Lucky
- South
- Store
- Trinity
- Triumph
20 examples of sentences with soft words
- The painting was of watercolor.
- A pretty flower grew in the
- The Darling It was clear.
- The Body was found by the police.
- His walk is distinguishes easily.
- The objectives simple they are not so enjoyed.
- The dreams of people reflect their reality.
- The Water of the spring was crystal clear.
- The ice made the car skid.
- The production company hired a screenwriter For the movie.
- The thieves had afraid to be discovered.
- Man did not know Yes the news was true.
- The price of the objects varied according to the material.
- The young man bought a suit Gray.
- The sound of music deafened the audience.
- He He says that he knows a lot.
- Screams flooded the Stadium.
- The writer received many compliments.
- The crickets they are harmless animals.
- The city dwellers they have a fast-paced life.