Examples of how to fill letter envelopes
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
Filling envelopes
We are used to sending our correspondence by email. However, many times it is necessary to send some documents by traditional mail. For this it is important to take into account a series of precautions and definitions:
Parts of a letter envelope
On small envelopes (DL or smaller), the recipient's information can be written on the front (the part of the envelope that is not divided) and the sender's data on the back, that is, where the closure of the on.
Adressee details: Approximately in the center of the envelope.
Sender details: In the top left-hand corner.
Stamp: Always leave a sector on the left side of the envelope for mail (postage, stamp or stamp).
In each country there are some small differences on how to write the data, both for the sender and the recipient. However, the general format is the same:
Name and surname
Company or institution (when necessary)
Street and number / number and street (depending on the country) Office or apartment number (when necessary)
Zip Code, City / Town, Zip Code
Province / State
Country (when shipped from another country)
Examples of filling letter envelopes
Mr. John Huston
20 Chester Lane
Bethnal green
E2 1AA
Intrumentos Ibericos S.A.
Calle Mayor, 50, Bajo
02500 Tobarra - Albacete
Robert Bosch Spain, S. TO.
Service Center
c / Hermanos García Noblejas, 23
28037 Madrid
Joao amorim
Rua do Salitre, 1
1269 - 052 Lisbon
Eurolines Ltd.
Bus Station Birmingham
Mill lane
B5 6DD
Taguspark, Qualidade Buildings, Block B3
Rua Professor Dr. Aníbal Cavaco Silva
2740 - 120 Porto Salvo
Liliana Pazmin
Customer Support
Diagonal 25 G # 95 to 55
Bogota 110911
Ms. Rocio Gonzalez
Bocagrande Executive Center Building
Office 1103 Carrera 3, No. 8 - 129
Cartagena, Bolivar
Administrative Direction
Avenida 17 No. 65B - 95
Bogota 111611
M. André Dupont
Rue Allemand 15
1003 Lausanne