Calculation, calculation or calculated
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
Calculation, calculation or calculated?
Calculation refers to a computation (He solved the operation with a simple calculation mental). Calculation Y calculation are two conjugated forms of the verb "to calculate" (Never calculation well the amount of food; The woman calculation that there were two hours left to arrive).
The words "calculation", "calculation" and "calculated" are spelled the same, but they are pronounced differently, since they differ in their accentuation. "Calculus" is a word esdrújula and has an accent in the third to last syllable (The error of calculation of the pilot endangered the entire crew). "I calculate", meanwhile, is serious and does not have an accent because it ends in a vowel (Calculation that in a year I will finish my studies). Finally, "calculated" is sharp and it has a graphic accent because its stressed syllable is the last one and ends in a vowel (Never calculation the consequences of their actions).
When is each used?
Examples of sentences with "calculation"
- He was able to solve the equation with a simple calculation.
- The calculation what they did was imprecise and many people were left without a place.
- I don't know how to solve that calculation mentally.
- The patient is in pain for a calculation in the gallbladder.
- Made a calculation quick and paid the bill.
- We don't need the exact number of attendees, with a calculation approximate enough.
- The calculation of the profits of the company will allow us to know how much money we have.
- An error of calculation driver's driver nearly caused a multiple crash.
- If he calculation it is not precise, we will have supply problems.
- He is a calculation elemental, it should solve it easily.
Examples of sentences with "calculus"
- Calculation that the baby will be born by the end of the month.
- Yes calculation His age, I'd say he's in his sixties.
- Never calculation good clothes to wear on vacation.
- Calculation that I am half an hour from the capital.
- When calculation the measurements of the apartment, I am surprised by its size.
- Calculation that your father will be coming.
- Me calculation the food, you calculate the drink.
- Calculation two pieces of cake for each guest.
- Yes calculation wrong the number of seats, we can ask for more the day of the event.
- Calculation I passed the exam, he knew all the answers.
Examples of sentences with "calculated"
- The boy counted his sweets and calculation how long would they last.
- The young man calculation the distance and jumped.
- Never calculation that his sayings would have such an impact.
- First calculation the wind and then he launched himself into the void with his paraglider.
- By the light that came in under the door, calculation that it was already daylight.
- The calculation the time to arrive early, but did not count on the unforeseen.
- Driver calculation wrong the amount of fuel and they were stranded on the road.
- The chess player calculation each of his moves to achieve checkmate.
- He wanted to get a tattoo, but no calculation that it would hurt so much.
- The doctor calculation two more days of hospitalization for the patient.
See also: