A interfix (also called infix) is a letter or syllable that does not have a meaning in itself and is used to join a lexeme and a suffix.
For example: slut
When a suffix cannot be attached to a lexeme naturally, then the interfix comes in. In other cases, the lexeme is joined with the suffixes, without the need for an interfix.
For example: clothes, clothes, clothing, wardrobe
Other examples:
In the following examples, the interfix of each word will be marked in bold.
openeddor | cutit isyear | breadadero |
finishedador | cursileria | dadarrucha |
adriatico | cursilvery | pasmarote |
highnero | dentheada | patizuelo |
angelicto the | dignatAryan | I askedgüeño |
anubarradored | sleepingilon | pedregto the |
addgoura | economiástico | pedregbear |
soerbear | enfadadizo | peletero |
atolladero | spitItemGarlic | picajbear |
avechucho | spitItemina | stingdía |
barrizal | foamarGarlic | dustadto the |
bicharraco | fanganbear | dustarage |
whiteandcino | farftherebear | townerino |
bobto theicon | forastero | complainiarena |
puff | cooledto the | complainillorSW |
bombardero | gasandbear | RAMandadored |
bonachon | glovetheete | raquideo |
buttonadura | guapeton | regoor |
rascalcvery | hilaracha | riachuelo |
burgto theé | leafarascus | rodachina |
cacerwave | holgtozan | Saltadar |
boxetín | manzucho | sanguijuela |
limecareo | hortto thehoists | sanguinAryan |
callexero | horttheyear | sanguíneo |
changeto theache | jugarreta | I dryerto the |
changeto theada | longto goucho | simpleícisimo |
truckzote | lenguaraz | They areistay |
campit isino | limadura | gentlecito |
dogLet's seeto the | calledarada | tendexon |
dogiczar | machtowith | tenderete |
carnizero | mahometyear | therapéutico |
caseron | mahometism | terraguero |
castyearuela | manttheeta | terráwhat |
cenagto the | Bushchín | testarazo |
cenagbear | highercete | testarudo |
chafarryear | little lies | scissoretada |
kidirritito | me ifanico | sillyilín |
churracecor | mojiwith | gocindad |
clerandInc | moscowardto | gocindario |
clinitocense | moscowardon | beatible |
coberchalk | movedI hoist | cometisAC |
lash | mozto thebete | vertiginbear |
comedero | multiplicidad | carol |
comits Tible | nighteri deny | vinajit was |
comistrGarlic | nubarron | vinatero |
runsdit was | darkantism | vivaracho |
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