Between the words that start with op- they find each other nouns Y adjectives Y verbs. For example: opHello, opaco, operar.
In some cases, these words form families. For exampleit: operar, operation, operable; oprhyme, opresistance, opresive.
overshadow | opimo | oprhyme |
opacity | opinable | opstole |
opaco | opinar | oprobust |
opadolescent | opinion | optar |
opalina | opio | optative |
opHello | opiparous | opethics |
option | opisthodome | opscam |
optional | opistograph | optimate |
opit was | oponente | opyourself |
operable | oponer | optimista |
operation | oponible | optimisation |
operational | oportho | opcheat |
operador | oportuna | optometry |
operante | oportunity | opmeter |
operar | oportunism | opuesta |
operaria | oportunist | opugnation |
operative | oposition | opugnar |
operativity | opositor | opulence |
operatory | opresistance | opulenta |
opferrule | opresive | opus |
operistic | opresora | opusculus |
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