30 Examples of Poriferous
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
The poriferous or sponges are aquatic animalsinvertebrates belonging to the sub-kingdom of the Parazoa. It is believed that there are between 5,000 and 10,000 species of poriferous currently worldwide. For example: leucosolenia, sycon, agelas oroides.
Although most live in salty water, some varieties live in fresh water. Since they are animals almost immobile (since they can only move up to 4 millimeters in a day) they live at the bottom of the water (up to 9 thousand meters deep).
Poriferous feeding
The poriferous they have no stomach: they feed through a process of absorption of nutrients that are carried by the water and enter your pores.
Their diet depends on the water currents and, after conserving the necessary nutrients, they expel the water. There are some exceptions of carnivorous porifers that feed on crustaceans, algae or cyanobacteria.
Poriferous structure
These invertebrate animals do not have muscles, internal organs, or nerves. His
structure presents radial symmetry and is composed of two layers of cells: an external (pinacoderm) and another internal (coanoderm) and, eBetween the two, a space that receives the name of mesohilo.Classification of porifers according to their structure
Depending on its structure, it is possible to classify it into three different groups of porifers.
Reproduction of porifers
These animals reproduce asexually or sexually, depending on each species.
Examples of porifers
Calcareous porifers or calcareous sponges
- Leucosolenia
- Sycon
- Leucandra
- Leucilla
- Lithonida
- Baerida
- Murrayonida
- Clathrinida
Poriferous demospongiae or demosponges
- Agelas oroides (Agelasida)
- Chondrosia reniformis (Chondrosida)
- Spongia officinalis (Dictyoceratida)
- Spirastrella cunctatrix (Hadromerida)
- Phakellia sp. (Halichondrida)
- Petrosia ficiformis (Haplosclerida)
- Oscarella lobularis (Homosclerophorida)
- Phorbas tenacior (Poecilosclerida)
- Aplysina aerophoba (Verongida)
- Red volcano sponge (Acarnus erithacus)
Poriferous hexactinelides
- Lyssacinoside
- Lychniscosida
- Hexactinoside
- Aulocalycoida
- Amphidiscoside
- Farrea sollasi
- Pheronema carpenteri
- Euplectella aspergillum
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