In Spanish, words ending in -alle, -elle, -ello, -ella they are usually nouns Y adjectives. For example: calle, fuelle, paher, bit.
In other cases, they are verbs ending in -llar conjugates. They can be in the first or third person singular of the present subjunctive or in imperative mode. For example: decabelle, ametralle, atropher. They can also be in the first or third person singular of the present indicative. For example: atropit, atropher.
If the ending has accent mark, the verb can be conjugated in the first or third person singular of the simple past perfect indicatively. For example: Fthere, atropit.
We also find some pronouns with these endings. For example: hereit, hereher, it, her.
acalle | degüit | huher |
alzacuit | decabelle | mher |
ametralle | decabit | morcher |
apantalle | I discoveredit | muelle |
hereher | dismayalle | paher |
armher | destit | passalle |
arpher | detalle | wanther |
atropelle | her | wantelle |
atropit | elle | ralle |
avalle | it | beefit |
bher | engalle | resuelle |
bocacalle | enmalle | resuit |
bother | entalle | sit |
cabit | its Talle | sisher |
calle | starher | sobrecuit |
camit | Falle | talle |
centher | fuelle | tiracuit |
cuit | ruledalle | tordher |
dalle | grosher | valle |
degüher | halle | vit |
bher | Fthere | muelle |
calle | fuelle | ralle |
cuit | halle | sit |
her | huher | talle |
it | mher | valle |
acalle | camit | entthere |
hereher | centher | grosher |
armher | degüher | paher |
bother | destit | wanther |
cabit | detthere | resuit |
alzacuit | atropit | dismayalle |
ametralle | mouthStreet | passalle |
apantalle | decabelle | sobrecuit |
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