In Spanish, the words ending in L are, to a large extent, adjectives or nouns. For example:trunkl, lighthousel, youthl.
In several cases, the L is usually part of a suffix, as the following:
They also end in L the demonstrativeto whatl, the personal pronoun él and the Article singular masculine andl.
openedl | statel | goall |
actl | ethanel | worldl |
agil | easyl | mural |
bricklayerl | lighthousel | narval |
alcohol | railroadl | level |
angell | festivel | nogal |
treel | fossill | nourishesl |
bluel | funeral | officel |
neighborhoodl | footballl | guidesl |
sweptl | carafel | corduroyl |
trunkl | gentil | paperl |
beastl | sunflowerl | paternall |
bozal | gol | projectl |
buccal | graduatel | removedl |
canniball | habil | racel |
caracol | habituall | laughl |
jaill | hiel | rural |
carnivall | hospital | sal |
cartel | individuall | weekl |
jingle belll | immoral | sensuall |
chairl | integratesl | partnerl |
chacal | dayl | shallowl |
civil | judiciaryl | hot springl |
schoolgirll | youthl | textil |
tradel | kril | timonel |
quarterl | lipl | youl |
weakl | sidel | umbral |
apronl | legal | universall |
difficultl | freesl | usual |
docil | littoral | varonil |
publisherl | cornl | verbal |
elemental | keepl | volleyballl |
thrillsl | shellfishl | foxl |
the fil | tell youl | ivoryl |
Anal | backl | marblel |
to whatl | ductil | massl |
astral | fabril | neutrall |
atril | fatal | nickell |
aval | fertilel | rulel |
banal | finel | nowl |
basedl | taxl | corduroyl |
bedel | frontal | pastel |
baseballl | geniusl | areal |
breakl | rumpl | rosel |
grossl | hostil | signl |
brothell | hotell | partnerl |
cabl | huemul | tonel |
canel | ideal | cloverl |
casual | equall | trivial |
centersl | I sworel | usefull |
cocktaill | laurel | vergel |
stringl | readl | vitral |
cordial | legal | yuyal |
cubil | manuall | zonel |
abyssl | criminal | payrolll |
animal | digital | passionl |
apostlel | esmeril | pedestall |
tariffl | turnl | principall |
bilabial | federationl | profession |
boreal | ghostl | roundl |
stock exchangel | worksl | regional |
headl | industryl | sensoryl |
coffeel | informsl | substancel |
singerl | worksl | theaterl |
cardinal | freesl | tutorshipsl |
credencel | magistratel | umbilical |
shortl | marsupial | windowl |
councilorl | matterl | galel |
accidentl | documentsl | causesl |
addl | dominical | westernl |
aerosoll | electorl | harml |
anti-flul | epitheliuml | homel |
carl | esimal | priestl |
ceremonyl | exceptionl | satellitel |
circumstancel | groundsl | testifiesl |
cholesterl | horizontal | traditionl |
conditionsl | intellectuall | universall |
conventionall | marriagel | vacationl |
correspondentl | monumentall | verosímil |
attitudel | educatel | multinationall |
aircraftl | generationall | occupyl |
two-dimensionall | straightl | plurinationall |
computesl | unconditionall | procedurall |
constitutesl | international | three-dimensionall |
talkl | jurisdictionl | one personl |
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